Page 263 of Our Way
“And then you wouldn’t talk to me when I was terrified that I was pregnant.”
He closes his eyes in regret.
I squeeze his hand. “It’s okay, Nathan. I understand.”
His eyes shoot back up to mine. “You understand what?”
“I know why you had to force me to leave you.”
“Eliza, I never meant to make you leave me. Just the opposite.” He pauses for a moment as he collects his thoughts. “When Jolie said those things to me… ” His voice trails off.
“What?” I prompt him to continue.
“I don’t know.” He shakes his head as if unable to articulate himself. “Something happened.”
“What do you mean?”
“I didn’t shut you out because I wanted Robert. I was devastated by you. I wasn’t able to….” He cuts himself off.
I squeeze his hand in mine. “What Nathe?”
“How could you think that I would use you for children?” His eyes search mine. “How could you possibly think that? You know me. Better than anyone else, you know me.”
Oh God, he’s still hurt about this.
He clenches his jaw. “I couldn’t get my head around it, Eliza. I still can’t. It was the most hurtful thing that anyone has ever thought of me.”
Guilt fills me. “Nathe, I knew that deep down. I was looking for a reason. I wasn’t afraid of you. I was afraid of me. I knew that I wouldn’t be okay if we didn’t work out. And I was right, I wasn’t.”
We stare at each other, and deep regret swirls between us. He dusts his thumb back and forth over the back of my hand. “So, you’re with Morgan now?”
“No.” I roll my eyes. “Tonight, was the first time I’ve seen him since I left. You’re with Robert?” I ask.
“I’m not with Robert!” he snaps, annoyed. “How many times do I have to fucking tell you that?”
“But you’ve been with Robert?”
“Not physically, no. I’ve seen him but not how you think.”
“What does that mean?”
“Ibiza was a nightmare. We were never going to work if we got back together. That was done ten years ago. And besides, we fight every time we see each other now.”
“Because he came to our home to upset you and it worked. You left me.”
“What about Stephanie?”
“I haven’t touched either of them, I swear on my mother’s life,” he growls in frustration.
“Who have you been with?” I know I shouldn’t ask but the masochist in me wants some pain.
“You don’t want to know the answer to that question.” His eyes hold mine.
That means a lot of people.
I get a lump in my throat and drop my head. This is why we can’t be together.