Page 260 of Stanton Box Set
I smile in embarrassment. “No, you are getting the deluxe package.”
He smiles and picks up the menu. “I see. How have you been?” he asks.
“Ok. You?”
“I’m good. Our last meeting has left me a little confused though.” His eyes search mine.
I frown. Let’s just get right into it then. “Why?” I ask trying to feign nonchalance.
“Because I had the best night I had had in years and then you walked me out to the car remember.”
I look down nervously as my heart rate picks up. “Yes, I remember.” I rearrange the napkin on the table.
“You kissed me.” His gaze penetrates mine.
My eyes rise to meet his. “Yes,” I whisper.
“It was insane.” He bites his bottom lip as he looks at me. “Off the charts. I know you felt it too.”
My eyes flick around the room in uncomfortable tension. “Look, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have kissed you. I …” I shrug my shoulders as words escape me.
He smiles sexily. “Don’t apologize, I’m not complaining.”
My eyes meet his. “What are you doing then?”
“Here you are.” The waitress puts our two drinks on the table.
“Thank you,” I smile. My eyes flick back to the ridiculously hot, intelligent man across the table from me.
“I want to know why you never returned any of my calls,” he asks.
I look around the restaurant in annoyance. I don’t need this shit.
“I’m sorry if you don’t get brushed often but I am not after anything and I don’t fuck around so …” I shake my head as I try to articulate my thoughts. “What’s the point? You live in France remember. Besides it was six months ago—why are you bringing this up now?”
He puts his hand across the table and grabs mine, and I swallow as I look at our entwined hands. “I’m bringing this up because the thought of you has been haunting me for six months and I want to know if you have ever thought of me?”
My eyes meet his. “Maybe,” I answer quietly.
“It’s a yes or no answer,” he says dryly.
“Yes,” I reply as I look at him again.
He squeezes my hand. “What have you thought?”
I swallow nervously and shrug my shoulders. “I wondered what would have happened if I called you.”
He smiles a broad smile at me and raises his eyebrows. “You did?” he whispers. “So what did you think would have happened between us?”
I shrug. “It probably wouldn’t have gone anywhere to be honest. I’m not into the whole casual sex thing and I’m guessing someone who looks like you is.” I smile.
He licks his lips as he smirks. “To be honest most men do throw themselves at my feet and I feel nothing, not interested at all and then you come along with your masculinity, intelligence and don’t give a fuck attitude and throw me completely off balance and yet you want nothing to do with me. It’s … frustrating.”
I laugh. “Is that how I come across? Masculine, intelligent and don’t give a fuck.”
He takes a sip of his drink and nods. It is then I notice that he is still holding my hand across the table. I immediately pull out of his grasp.
He smiles and looks at his outstretched arm on the table and pulls it back slowly. “You are different to most men I have met, Adrian.”