Page 55 of Stanton Box Set
“I doubt that.”
I frown. “What do you mean?”
“I’m sure you turn on a lot of men you meet.”
“Jesten, are you flirting with me?” I bite my lip to stifle my smile.
“Totally. But you dig it right.” He gives me a cheeky grin. Hmm, there is definitely something about this guy.
“I might.” Shit. Did I just say that? I’m flirting back now.
He smiles and winks again as the interview room door opens. I watch as Peter and George enter the room. Then I watch as a prisoner in handcuffs enters the room, Coby Allender. A cold shiver runs down my back. He’s intense and very intelligent, I can tell by the way he looks at Peter. He looks up at the glass and blows a kiss. I sit back affronted.
“He can’t see you. He’s just trying to fuck with your head,” Jesten says.
I nod nervously, “I know.” It’s working—this situation is freaking me out. For the next forty minutes I watch as Coby Allender manipulates everything that Peter says. This man is very bright and super–frustrating. I find I am intrigued by this interview. It really is interesting. I had considered going back to university part–time to study Criminology last year but decided against it. Maybe I should reconsider. Eventually I am led out of the room by Jesten and we wait in the hall for Peter.
“So, are you going to give me your number?”
I do wide eyes at him. “No I’m working. This is totally unprofessional.” I smirk, unable to hide it.
He smiles back, “You’re into me though. I can tell.”
“I am not…into you. You’re on yourself.” I smile broadly at the cheeky hot specimen in front of me.
“Well, I’m into you. Come back for another interview at the prison and we can have another witness date.”
I laugh, “Witness date. Did we just go on a date?”
He laughs and nods. “Yep. Hot wasn’t it?”
I laugh again. “Totally hot.” I roll my eyes.
Peter comes out, “Ready to go?”
I nod and smile at Jesten, “See you later.” He smiles and gives me a wink.
“You can count on it.”
The problem with being involved with a prickface is exactly that. He’s a total prickface who never rings me when I expect him to. It’s 9.00 pm Tuesday night and I am waiting for the girls at Oscar’s. Abbie arrives first in her work clothes and I instantly feel under–dressed in my gym gear.
“Hi, where’s Bridg?” She smiles and I instantly feel better knowing that my beautiful friends will put this into perspective for me. I always feel better after talking things through with them.
“Not here yet,” I answer. She nods and flops into the leather lounge next to me.
“Have you already had a coffee?” She looks at my empty cup. I nod.
“Yes, I’m trying to keep myself busy.”
She rubs my leg in a sympathetic gesture. “So he still hasn’t called?”
I shake my head. “No and I don’t think he will.”
“Mmm,” she answers, “I totally get lesbianism you know. Imagine not having to deal with all this shit we cop from men.”
“I know, right,” I answer. Bridget breezes in, oh no she’s back on the love boat. Abbie and I roll our eyes at each other.