Page 70 of The Italian
“Oh, hello.” I smile.
He has his briefcase with him. “How about we grab that glass of wine?”
“What… now?” I frown.
“Why not? Do you have other plans?”
“No.” I stare at him for a moment. Why is he being so friendly? Seraphina said this is very uncharacteristic for him. “Yes, okay, sure.” I shrug. “Why not?”
He holds his arm out and I stare at it for a moment. Is he asking me out on a date?
“Oh, darling.” he scoffs, as if reading my mind. He grabs my hand and puts it around his arm. “You are the wrong sex for me. This is completely platonic.”
I smile, embarrassed that he just saw the fear on my face. “Thank goodness for that. I’ve had more than enough bad dates for one week.”
He laughs, and we walk out into the street with my hand linked around his arm. “So, tell me… how are you settling in?”
“Good. It will take a little time to get used to everything.”
He gestures to a bar and we walk in. “Is everyone being good to you at work?”
“Uh-huh.” I smile, even though that bitch Rosalie on reception is a rude pig.
“Shall we just sit at the bar?”
“Okay.” I smile as we go to take our seats there.
“What would you like to drink?”
“Maybe some Prosecco?”
“Great choice. Can we have two glasses of Prosecco, please? Vorremmo anche degli antipasti, per favore,” he tells the bartender. Translation: We will have some starters too, please.
“How is your hotel?” Giorgio turns back to me.
“Great.” I look around the beautiful bar. It’s dark and moody, and I’ll have to remember to come back to this place. “I’m going to start looking for an apartment this weekend.”
He rests his chin on his hand and smiles over at me.
“What?” I smirk.
“You’ve been to Italy before?”
“Yes, Rome and The Amalfi Coast.”
“When was that?”
“Two years ago.”
Our glasses of Prosecco are put down in front of us. Giorgio picks his up. “Two years. That’s a long time.”
I get the feeling he’s asking me these questions for a reason. “Why are you asking?”
He sips his wine. “No reason. Just curious.”
“Do you live around here?”
“In Milan. I’m originally from Sicily but have been here for ten years.”