Page 40 of Forbidden Surrender
She knew that; hadn’t he already become the one person in this whole crazy situation that she knew she could rely on? And yet he was the one she feared the most emotionally, the man who could destroy her at a glance.
‘I know,’ Dominic said suddenly, huskily, seeming to read her tortuous thoughts. ‘And it isn’t going to be easy for me either.’ He sighed. ‘But I swear to you that from now on I’ll just be your friend. Stay, Sara,’ he pleaded softly. ‘Stay, and I’ll take care of you.’
She looked up to meet the dazzling passion in his eyes, knowing that she couldn’t go back to Florida now even if she wanted to. The man she loved was here, and she had to be where he was.
She nodded. ‘I’ll stay,’ she agreed in a choked voice.
The tension left him in a sigh, and he lifted her hand up to his mouth, kissing the palm with intimate intensity. ‘Thank you, Sara! You’ll never regret your decision.’
Strange, she already regretted it!
MARIE was overjoyed by her decision, when she turned up at their aunt and uncle’s house halfway through the next morning.
‘But how did you know?’ Sara frowned, hardly awake yet, having spent a very restless night.
‘Dominic rang me this morning,’ Marie grinned. ‘He rings me every morning.’
Ever the doting fiancée! If it wasn’t for the remembered delight of his lips on hers, and the way she quivered with pleasure every time he looked at her, she might have been convinced of his singleminded devotion to Marie. But her own memories were too strong for her to accept that, although she in no way doubted his love for her sister. If only she didn’t love him too!
‘He said you’ve decided to stay,’ Marie continued excitedly.
After a little ‘friendly’ persuasion from him! He had half seduced her into making that decision, and she resented him for it.
‘I have,’ she confirmed. ‘But—’
‘Move in today!’ Marie interrupted eagerly. ‘Now! Let’s give Daddy a surprise when he comes home.’
Sara looked at her aunt for help. There had been a tearful meeting between aunt and niece, and now Aunt Susan was watching them both indulgently from her usual chair by the window, her knitting in her hand. ‘Aunt Susan?’ she prompted desperately.
Her aunt shrugged. ‘It seems like a good idea to me.’
‘Your place is with your father and Marie now,’ her aunt said firmly.
Of course, her aunt knew of her father’s illness. And of course, she was right, her place was with them. ‘It doesn’t seem very polite to just walk out on you and Uncle Arthur in this way.’ Still she hesitated about committing herself. Staying in the country was one thing, staying where she would have to constantly see Dominic was another.
‘Your uncle and I don’t mind in the least,’ her aunt dismissed that problem. ‘You can always come over and visit us. And we would be happier knowing you’re still in England, rather than letting you go back to Florida alone.’
Sara could see the sense of that, and knew herself beaten. ‘Okay,’ she gave in. ‘Although I think you should let your—our father know I’m going to be there. I don’t want to give him a shock.’ Especially as she had no idea what was actually wrong with him.
‘Daddy won’t be shocked,’ her sister assured her. ‘He’ll be delighted.’
‘Maybe Dominic will have told him.’
Marie grinned. ‘I asked him not to. Dominic knows how I love to play tricks on people. I used to do it to him all the time. We practically grew up together.’
‘He seems a nice man,’ Aunt Susan remarked absently.
‘Oh, he is,’ Marie agreed. ‘A bit intense, but very nice. Listen to me!’ she giggled. ‘Of course I think he’s nice, I’m going to marry him. Do you like him, Sara?’
Sara hated the evasion she knew must be in her expression, but she could do nothing about it. ‘Yes, I like him. Now, shall we get my things together?’ she asked briskly. ‘I don’t have much, so it shouldn’t take long to pack.’