Page 54 of Forbidden Surrender
‘Take your time.’ She forced a lightness into her voice that she didn’t feel, very much aware of her father and Marie. ‘I’m in no hurry,’ she added, almost running down the stairs.
She was trembling by the time she reached the lounge, knowing that Dominic was probably kissing Marie right at this moment. She was going to be ill herself if she wasn’t careful, her appetite having completely deserted her, her nights spent restlessly tossing and turning. And it was all because of this hunger for Dominic!
She had dressed with extra care this evening, had dressed with Dominic in mind if she were honest with herself, and she had to be that, she was deceiving everyone else! She knew perfectly well this evening wouldn’t end innocently, knew that before she returned here tonight that she would have spent time in Dominic’s arms. And she wasn’t able to do a thing about it. He was like a drug in her veins, an addiction she couldn’t fight.
Her dress was knee-length, Japanese in style, made of a silky blue material, its very demureness making it very sexy, with its provocative split up the side of her left leg, the narrow styling showing off her pert uptilted breasts and narrow waist, fitting neatly over her bottom and thighs. Her hair was secured loosely on top of her head, her only jewellery the pair of gold stud ear-rings her mother and Richard had given her for Christmas two years ago.
She looked up guiltily as her father entered the room, blushing under his searching gaze. Oh, God, she thought, don’t let him guess I love Dominic, don’t let him guess!
‘I hope we haven’t ruined any of your own plans for this evening,’ he said.
Sara almost laughed with relief. Her father had put her behaviour down to an altogether different reason than her love for Dominic and her jealousy of Marie. ‘Not at all,’ she answered smoothly.
‘Oh, good,’ he seemed relieved. ‘Only you seemed a little—upset.’
‘No,’ she shook her head, ‘just nervous. I know how important this dinner party is to you and Dominic.’
‘Not that important that you have to worry yourself about it.’ He put his arm about her shoulders. ‘Just be yourself, Sara. You’ll like Martha and Jim, they’re a nice couple.’
Sara frowned. ‘Will they be the only people there?’
‘Mm. Jim’s thinking of giving us a contract to supply equipment to all his British offices. One look at you and he won’t hesitate to offer us that contract.’ He smiled down at her affectionately.
‘Do I look all right?’ she asked worriedly. She had dressed with a party in mind, albeit a dinner party, but a quiet evening for four was another matter.
‘You look beautiful, doesn’t she, Dominic?’ he asked the other man as he came into the room.
‘Very lovely,’ Dominic confirmed, the intensity of his gaze making her blush. ‘We should be going,’ he said abruptly.
‘Have a nice time, darling.’ Her father bent to kiss her. ‘Don’t keep her too late, Dominic. I’ve noticed she’s looking a little pale lately.’
Sara bit her lip, as she led the way out to Dominic’s car parked in the driveway. So her father had noticed her pallor too. He mustn’t ever be allowed to guess that it was because of her helpless love for Dominic. Plus there was this added worry of her father, of the illness that everyone knew about but no one discussed. Maybe if they had talked about it Marie wouldn’t be in this emotional mess.
There was a man getting out of the car parked next to Dominic’s, and he turned to acknowledge them. ‘Good evening, Dominic. Marie?’ he frowned. ‘But I thought—–’
‘This is Sara, Simon.’ Dominic held firmly on to her elbow, opening the car door for her.
The man nodded, a man of possibly forty-five, very tall and distinguished-looking. ‘Nice to meet you, Miss Hamille.’
Sara gave him a friendly smile, wondering why Dominic was pushing her into the car and not introducing her to the other man as he should have done. ‘Who was that?’ she asked once they were on their way.
Dominic shrugged. ‘A friend of your father’s.’
‘What’s his name?’