Page 67 of Forbidden Surrender
‘But not like he does.’
‘Possibly not.’ Although it hadn’t stopped him trying—no, succeeding, in getting her into bed with him. ‘I’d better go, Eddie. My father is probably expecting me.’
He nodded. ‘He said he would wait up.’
The light was on in the lounge when she arrived home, despite the lateness of the hour. She hesitated at the front door, looking uncertainly at Eddie.
‘You would rather go in alone, hmm?’ he guessed shrewdly.
She smiled her relief. ‘Thanks, Eddie.’ He had been so kind to her she hadn’t wanted to tell him she wanted to see her father in private. She reached up and kissed him on the mouth. ‘I think I love you,’ she whispered huskily.
He touched her gently on the cheek. ‘That’s what honorary brothers are for. ’Night, love.’ He bent and kissed her.
Her father was alone, and stood up as soon as she entered the room. He looked old, defeated and old.
‘Oh, Dad!’ She launched herself tearfully into his arms, her body shaking with deep racking sobs.
‘I know, child. I know.’ He stroked her hair, cradling her to him.
‘I don’t think I can bear it!’ she choked.
‘We have to, Sara. And we have to be strong, for Marie’s sake.’
‘I know,’ she sniffed, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand. ‘Why didn’t you tell me, Dad? All this time I thought it was you, and I couldn’t understand why you hadn’t told me about it.’
‘Me?’ he frowned. ‘Why on earth should you think a thing like that?’
She explained overhearing part of his conversation with her aunt and uncle. ‘I’m afraid I jumped to conclusions,’ she admitted ruefully. ‘It’s just that Marie is so young—–’ she broke off emotionally. ‘I’m sorry, this must be worse for you than it is for me.’
‘No. I’ve seen how close the two of you have become the last few weeks, almost as if you’ve been together all your lives. I’m grateful for that, Sara.’ He ran his hand tiredly over his eyes. ‘It’s made it a little easier for her.’
Sara swallowed hard. ‘She—she knows?’ remembering the conversation they had had about death she thought she must do.
‘Oh yes,’ he sighed. ‘Not at first. But when the headaches continued,’ he shrugged, ‘she guessed. She went wild for a few weeks, although that stopped once she became engaged to Dominic.’
But had it? Dominic hadn’t seemed surprised when he had thought she was Marie out with another man. He had been angry, but not surprised. Maybe it had happened before. But wouldn’t she feel the same way in Marie’s place, wouldn’t she want to break out too, hit out at the world for taking her young life from her? She knew she would, although their father obviously had no idea of it.
‘I’m very grateful to Dominic,’ her father continued. ‘And sorry for him too. It must be very hard for him knowing the woman he loves is going to die.’
So hard that he occasionally wanted to hold a living, breathing replica of Marie, to make love to her double knowing that she wasn’t going to die? She knew with sickening clarity that this was the reason Dominic made love to her, told her he loved her—he had wanted her to be Marie, a Marie who would live.
She licked her dry lips. ‘Will they—will they marry—before—–’
‘I have no idea,’ her father revealed heavily. ‘I haven’t interfered in their plans in any way, either the engagement or wedding plans. If they want to marry they will.’
‘But is that fair on Dominic?’ It was already obviously tearing him apart now, but if Marie became his wife …!
‘No,’ her father sighed. ‘But Dominic has a definite mind of his own.’
She knew that, but at the moment Dominic’s mind didn’t seem to be functioning rationally. Marie’s illness was filling him with a desperation that made him turn to Sara. God, the things she had said to him earlier, how he must hate her for that! No more than she hated herself!
She took a deep breath. ‘Is Marie asleep now?’