Page 48 of To Marry McKenzie
LOGAN sipped the champagne from his glass, eyeing the noisy family
gathering belligerently. What was he doing here?
Stupid question; he knew exactly what he was doing here. His grandfather
had been persuaded into holding an engagement party for Meg and Daniel
two weeks prior to their wedding. Usually this was the type of family
gathering Logan most wanted to avoid, and he would have done so, but for
one thing...
But so far that one thing didn't appear to be here!
After ten days of not seeing her, Logan had mistakenly thought Darcy would
be one of the guests at his grandfather's castle this weekend, that Daniel's
daughter was sure to be invited. Admittedly he had only arrived himself a
short time ago, his flight to Aberdeen having been delayed, meaning he had
only had time to quickly shower and change before coming downstairs to
join the thirty or so guests in the main salon. But they would soon be called
in to dinner, and there was definitely no sign of Darcy.
It simply hadn't occurred to him that she wouldn't be at her own father's
engagement party. If it had, he wouldn't'have bothered to make the journey
'Cheer up, Logan,' his cousin Brice advised dryly as he stood at his side, the
two of them making a formidable pair, both darkly handsome, but Brice's
eyes green where Logan's were blue. 'It might never happen!'
He wasn't sure what had happened—he only knew that he had missed Darcy
the last ten days, had been sure that he would at least see her at his
grandfather's this weekend. He wished now he had asked his mother if
Darcy were going to be here, and not just trusted that she would be!
He scowled. 'How soon after dinner do you think I'll be able to make my
excuses and go to bed?'
Brice grinned at his obvious discomfort. 'I thought you and Aunt Meg had
reached some sort of truce the last few weeks?' He raised mocking dark
That might be exaggerating things slightly, although Logan accepted that he
and his mother were at least giving the impression that hostilities had been
Logan put down his empty champagne glass. 'We have,' he confirmed
tersely. 'But, as you very well know, I hate these sort of parties, with all the
family trying to get on. And usually failing miserably!' He watched his
grandfather playing the grand host to family and friends alike. It was all a
sham for the latter, of course; the McDonald clan were not known for their
family togetherness! 'In fact, I'm surprised to see you here this weekend,
too,' he added questioningly.
Brice led a solitary existence, often disappearing off the social scene for
months at a time. The fact that he was here this weekend must mean he was
either between commissions or looking for inspiration.
Brice eyed him teasingly. 'I'm wondering which one of the single beauties is
Darcy,' he prompted interestedly.
Logan stiffened, turning to him swiftly. 'You've been talking to Fergus!'
His cousin gave a gleeful grin. 'Bet your life I have— nothing else but the
chance to meet this fiery virago would have induced me to come here this
weekend!' He looked at the glittering, chattering guests with the same
distaste Logan had minutes ago.
Logan retorted resentfully, 'She is not a candidate for one of your brief
flings, Brice.'
His cousin raised an innocent expression. 'I didn't for a moment think she
was,' he replied. 'I just wanted to meet the young lady who had got the better
of my arrogantly self-assured cousin!'
'That arrogance is obviously a family trait,' Logan returned pointedly. 'And
I'm afraid you're out of luck— because Darcy isn't here!' He announced this
with satisfaction.
'Ah,' Brice said with feeling.
'What do you mean, "ah"?' Logan demanded suspiciously.
'Just, ah,' his cousin responded with feigned innocence.
Logan scowled once more—an expression that was becoming all too
familiar with him just recently. But there didn't seem to be much to smile
about any more! Oh, his business interests were still successful; they just
seemed to have lost their challenge the last couple of weeks. If he was
completely honest, he missed having Darcy around to threaten him, kick
him, and throw things over him...
He should be pleased his life had returned to its calm predictability!
But he wasn't.
And he knew he wasn't...
His mouth set grimly. 'I—'
'If you'll excuse me, Logan,' Brice said slowly, distractedly, his gaze fixed
somewhere across the crowded room. 'I've just seen someone over there
who merits a second look...'
Most of the women here this evening, single or otherwise, were so beautiful
they merited a second look in fact, third ones too, most theatrical
acquaintances of his mother. It was just that none of them held any interest
for Logan.
Although he thanked this particular woman, whoever she was, for