Page 28 of Maidenhead
Jen and Charlene were watching, they were watching this. Scared.
Elijah put the card into a fold in his tunic. I licked my lips.
‘Come and get it. It’s in here.’
My heart freaked. I heard Charlene on the phone. I couldn’t understand what she was saying, she was talking too fast.
‘Those girls are jealous of you,’ Elijah said. His lips brushed the top of my head.
Jen and Charlene would never know someone like Elijah. I, alone, knew this man. I was a different person than I’d been before Key West. I was starting to be friends with a girl older than me. I was living with my brother and my dad. I was making out all the time with Aaron who said he worshipped me. My mom left town two weeks ago and I hadn’t heard from her yet. I was a different person from who I’d been before. Fuck Jen and fuck Charlene. I, alone, knew Elijah. This man had crossed the continent for me.
‘Show those two girls over there that you know what to do,’ Elijah whispered into my hair. ‘Show them that I know all about you.’
I put my hand on Elijah’s shoulder and Elijah slid my hand down to his waist.
ke that, frog cunts. This is my man.
Elijah slipped my free hand into the fold of his tunic. I felt him hard in there, moving around. He was forcing me to feel the length of his cock. I’d seen so many cocks now in my porn. Elijah’s was big. I was as big as the sky. My body covered the jerking of what we were doing. I knew Jen and Charlene didn’t know what to do. I knew what to do. I rooted around for the card from Elijah’s hotel, his cock in my hand, squeezing when he pushed up. I had to bend down a little and lean into him more. I heard Elijah grunt. He was looking over my head at Jen and Charlene. He was making me go faster, squeeze harder all along his length. It was hurting my wrist and I was trying to get away. I’d do it later, I’d do it in his hotel. I’d do it on my hands and knees and look up at him just like those girls in the porns.
‘Come on, girl, just do it. Finish up.’
‘I can’t,’ I whispered.
I heard Jen say: ‘Let’s get a teacher.’
Charlene: ‘The police.’
‘Something’s wrong with you, Angel, why’re you so tight?’
‘I’m not, I’m not tight.’
‘You’re tight, you’re too tight.’
‘I am not! I’m not tight!’
Jen and Charlene sped by us like flies. I smelled the rotten perfume.
‘I’m not tight,’ I whispered. ‘My pussy is tight.’
Elijah snorted. I felt a stain of hot wet on his front. I whipped my hand out of his tunic holding the card. I had his number. I looked for Jen and Charlene but they were nowhere around.
‘Where’d you learn to talk like that?’
My heart was beating too fast.
‘You make me crazy, you know that?’
I wished I could’ve walked home with Jen and Charlene.
‘I wanted you from three thousand miles away.’
A police car suddenly burned and screamed by. My breasts went hard inside my bra.
‘But don’t wear that crap on your face when you come see me. You’re a sexier little bitch without that.’