Page 14 of Lifelong Affair
He ran a hand around the back of his tire nape 'I would,' he agreed wearily. 'I had a rough time last night.'
I'm sure,' she agreed tightly.
Alex nodded. 'I never sleep well in hotels.'
Hotel-—?' she frowned. 'You stayed in a hotel last night?' Somehow she hadn't been expecting that, bad thought he would stay at the woman's home, Unless . ..? Goodness, she had been taken in by Rita Hammond so easily!
'Mm,' Alex grimaced. 'And didn't get to bed until almost two o'clock. I'm having trouble with one of my companies up north. The union had the impression— But you don't want to hear this, he shook his head ruefully.
After the fool she had almost made of herself Morgan was very curious to know the real reason for his delay in London. 'But I do,' she prompted eagerly. 'Please—tell me about it.
He shrugged. 'My work-force up there were just a little concerned I might be closing the company down. And when the union s get hold of something like that they don't want to let go. I had to drive up there this morning and reassure them in person. Damned
'And I thought—Never mind what I thought, she dismissed hastily as she saw his eyes narrow. 'We can talk whenever you want to,' she added brightly.
Later will be fine,' he told her absently, his expression tight. 'Just where did you think I was last night?'
'In London, of course,' she replied awkwardly. His eyes became flinty now. 'But not alone, hmm?' She chewed on her bottom lip. 'No,' she admitted abruptly.
Alex's head went back arrogantly. 'If I d spent the night in London with a woman I would have made nosecret of it. I don't happen to have a mistress in London. I don't have a mistress anywhere,' he added derisively.
Morgan's fingers were laced tightly together. 'I'm sorry,' she mumbled.
'Would you like a list of the relationships I've had for the last five years?' he rasped.
He was really angry, and she couldn't exactly blame him. "I said was sorry, Alex,' she pleaded. 'It's just that Symonds said you were coming back last night.' She didn't want to involve his mother in this.
'I was delayed—I've just explained that,' he bit out.
Morgan swallowed hard, realising how ridiculous this conversation was even if he didn't. "You don't have to explain anything to me, Alex. I made an assumption,' with a lot of help from Rita Hammond! 'and I've apologised for it. I wish we could just drop the subject now.' She had no intention of telling him of his mother's deliberate lie; she knew she should have had more sense than to listen to the other woman. Because she did believe Alex, knew he wasn't a man who lied. Rita Hammond would feel no such compunction.
'Then we will,' he agreed curtly. Til just go and see Courtney and then take a shower. We'll talk in my study after dinner.'
Her cheeks coloured fiery red as she remembered what had happened the last time they went to the study to talk. Alex's mocking glance jtold her he remembered it too.
She chastised herself once he had gone to his own room. What a fool she had been to listen to his mother! And how gullibly she had behaved. If Rita Hammond had chipped away at Glenna and Mark's marriage in the same way no wonder they had run into difficulty; Mark's defence of his mother had been much stronger than Alex's.
She was polite but cool with the other woman as they all dined together that evening. She knew by the triumphant glitter in icy blue eyes that Rita Hammond considered she had scored a minor victory this morning by planting those seeds of doubt in Morgan's mind. And maybe she had, but in future Morgan would know to be more wary of the woman.
Morgan could see the other woman's curiosity was aroused as she and Alex once more retired to his study, but neither of them offered an explanation for going.
Alex seated himself behind the desk this time, at once putting them on a businesslike footing. His gaze was intent on her composed features. 'Did you come to a decision while you were away?'
This time she was ready for his directness, and she answered calmly. 'Yes, did.'
Something flickered in his eyes and then faded. He sighed. 'I can understand your saying no, you don't even know me, and it would be a lifetime commitment to a stranger.' He stood up to pace the room. 'A life without love and---'
'I'm not going to say no, Alex,' she put in softly.
He turned to face her sharply, his eyes narrowing. 'You aren't?'
'Why not?'
She gave a mocking smile at his surprise. 'I must say you aren't being very flattering when I've just accepted your proposal of marriage,' she taunted.
He ran a hand through the thick darkness of his hair. 'It's unexpected '
'Don't you want me to marry you?
'Of course,' he said stiffly.
"Don't you consider yourself eligible?' she mocked.
'I've never thought about it!'
'Then you should. I accept your proposal, Alex. I'll marry you.' She was coolly composed.He blinked. 'When?'
She shrugged. 'As soon as my work in America has finished, I suppose.'
'Very well,' he moved to sit behind the desk once
more, 'I'll make all the arrangements '
I haven't finished yet, Alex,' she interrupted softly. 'I'll accept your proposal with certain changes made in the agreement.'
'Yes?' He was wary now.
Morgan laughed softly and stood up, very slender in a dark bottle-green dress that made her hair look like a flame, her eyes deeper in the reflected colour. 'Don't look so worried, Alex,' she taunted. 'I'm not going to ask you to sign over the family fortune to me.'
'Mary-Beth would,' he derided.
Her mouth twisted. lf Mary-Beth threatened you I have a feeling she'd come to a nasty end,' she grimaced. 'My first change is that I won't be in Power Trap after this season. I've asked to be written out of it, and the producers have agreed.'
'You're giving up your career?' he frowned.
'Yes,' she nodded. 'For now, at least. Courtney needs a full-time mother, not a part-time one. That's another change I would like to make.' She looked at him challengingly.
Alex sat back in his chair with a look of resigned expectation. 'Yes?' he prompted.
'I want to take care of the baby myself, no nanny. Yes, Alex,' she insisted as he went to protest. 'Mrs Ford will be leaving soon, and I do know how to look after Courtney.'
'I don't doubt it,' he said gently. 'It's just that caring for a baby is a big responsibility, a twenty-four hour a day job.'
'One I shall love. I'll make a deal with you, Alex,' she told him. 'If after a month you don't think I can cope you can get him a nanny. How's that?'
He sighed. 'By the confidence in your voice I would say it's a one-sided deal. Okay,' he gave a rueful shrug, 'if that's what you really want.'
'It is,' she nodded. 'Now I come to the last change I want to make.'
'There's more?' he groaned.
She swallowed hard. 'Yes. I—This part could be a little embarrassing,' she chewed on her bottom lip.
His icy gaze searched her face, his mouth tightening. 'I understand," he bit out abruptly. 'You
would rather we didn't have a physical relationship,' he sighed. 'I'm a little skeptical that a marriage can work without it, but I------ '
'Alex, you have it all wrong again,' she told him impatiently. 'Stop jumping to conclusions.
She smiled at his sarcasm. 'I'm arguing with you again, aren't I?'
'Yes,' he sighed.
' don't mean to. I just want you to listen to me.' She straightened her shoulders. 'I want you, Alex. I want you very badly.' She saw the ruddy hue colour his cheeks. 'I've thought of nothing else but you since I went away. I want to be your wife, Alex, but not as a part-time lover. I want to share a bedroom with you, not have to make a trip across a corridor or through a connecting door.' She gave a half smile. 'If I did that every time I wanted to spend the night with you the carpet between our two rooms would be worn away!' she attempted to joke.
He cleared his throat, obviously unnerved by her bluntness. 'I—You '
She gave a self-derisive laugh. 'Now I've embarrassed you. And I didn't mean to, she sighed. 'But I've never felt this way before, never wanted a man the way I want you. I wanted to be honest about the attraction, that's all.'
'I'm not embarrassed,' he dismissed. 'A little surprised perhaps, but not really embarrassed. Did you see Sam while you were away?'
She frowned at the unexpectedness of the question. 'Yes . ..'
'And that didn't change the desire you feel for me?'
'No,' she answered instantly.
He turned away, staring down into the fireplace. 'If we're dealing in honesty I think I should tell you I feel that electricity between us too. I've tried to push it to the back of my mind the last few days, but I haven't been able to forget the feel or taste of you. What I'm trying to say is that I share your need, that I'd like to protect the carpet at all costs,' he made an attempt to lighten the tension that suddenly filled the room. But it didn't work, the electricity sparking a fire between them. 'Morgan . . .!' he groaned.
She went into his arms willingly, meeting the hunger in him with one of her own, kissing and touching him as fiercely as he touched her.
'Will you come to my room with me now?' he groaned raggedly. 'I need you!'
She wanted to—she could imagine nothing more ecstatic than spending the night in his arms, in his bed. And yet she held back from that final commitment, wanting her wedding night to be the first time she knew his full possession.
'No?' He sensed her reserve, and pulled back, the flush of passion to his cheeks. 'Are you just like all women after all, I wonder? he rasped. 'You admitted wanting me, but that admission drew one from me in return,' his mouth twisted. Til never be controlled by the use of a physical attraction, Morgan,' he snapped, pushing her fully away from him. 'No woman's body is worth losing even one ounce of self-respect or self-control.'