Page 29 of God I Hate that Man
He’s sitting behind his desk, engrossed in something he’s typing. He glances up as I enter and a frown crosses his face for a second. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” I murmur. “I just wanted to borrow a book if that’s okay?”
“Why are you wearing my shirt?” he asks, ignoring my request.
“I found it in the gym room and I had forgotten to bring some pajamas. You don’t mind, do you? I figured you wouldn’t appreciate me bursting into your meeting to ask you.”
“It’s fine,” he replies distractedly. “And yes, you can borrow a book.” He goes back to his screen.
I turn and begin browsing the books on his shelves. There are books about every aspect of business, from marketing to sales strategies, from accounting to merchandising. I scan the titles, stepping forward and running my fingers over the spines. None of them particularly appeal to me. I look higher and then I see it. I smile to myself. The top shelf is fiction.
I can’t reach the books comfortably, so I no longer finger the spines, but I take them all in. True crime, crime fiction, a bit of science fiction. Thrillers. I spot a Lee Childs book I haven’t read yet and I reach for it.
As I reach, I feel the shirt riding up slightly, but I know Finn is engrossed in what he’s doing, so I ignore it, and stretch higher.
Finn gives an uncomfortable sounding cough. “What are you doing?” he asks.
This makes me start a little. “You’re not very observant for a smart guy, are you?” I quip.
Now I know Finn is watching me, I am conscious of the fact I am almost flashing my panties, and instead of stretching up, I jump up. I miss the book by a fraction of an inch, but I feel air getting beneath the shirt and I feel it billow up slightly as I land. So much for jumping to reveal less of my ass. I feel Finn’s presence behind me, so close that he’s almost touching me.
He reaches up, grabs the book and practically slams it into my hands. “There,” he mutters. “Now, if you don’t mind…”
“Oh, I don’t.” I smile. “You just get back to work and forget I’m even here.” I turn away from him and go back to looking at the bookshelf.
“And how am I supposed to do that when you’re prancing around here half naked?” Finn asks.
I turn back to Finn, a slight frown on my face that becomes a grin when I realize what’s happening here. He got a tiny flash of the lace of my panties when I jumped up, and now, he can’t think about anything but my underwear. So much for my body not being able to excite him. “Just remind yourself how repulsive you find my body,” I say tartly.
“I didn’t say I found you repulsive,” Finn replies uncomfortably.
I shrug and grin at him. “No, you didn’t use those exact words. And judging by the reaction just now, it seems like maybe you do find my body quite attractive after all.”
He doesn’t respond.
I decide to tease him a little before I leave. I put the book down on his desk and lift the hem of the shirt ever so slightly. “Does it excite you to see a bit of thigh?” I ask with a little laugh.
Finn frowns.
It’s clear I’m irritating him and I know I should just stop and leave, but it’s kind of fun watching him squirm, and honestly, at least when he’s frowning he doesn’t look so pretty. He’s actually quite handsome when he frowns, in a brooding, not my type at all kind of a way.
I wiggle my hips, playing with the hem of the shirt. “Have you lost your voice?” I enquire in a fake innocent tone. I turn slowly, still wiggling my hips until my back is to Finn. I peer at him over my shoulder. “How about if I do this?” I lift the shirt up and expose my lacy black panties for a quick second and then I pull it down again. “Oops,” I giggle and then I turn back to face Finn.
He looks furious now. “Stop it,” he demands, his voice low, almost a growl.
I feel heat flood my body and I blink hard as I notice for the first time how Finn’s pecs stand out beneath his shirt. “Or what?” I grin.
“Or I won’t be responsible for what happens,” he growls.
“Ooh… big talk for a man who’s afraid of a flash of thigh,” I taunt. I dance back a little and grab the hem of the shirt again. “How about if I lift it right up?” I start to lift the shirt. I have barely gotten it past a few inches when Finn grabs me roughly by the tops of my arms.
“Just stop it, okay? I’m not messing around here, Ashley.” He looks me in the eye as he delivers this.