Page 38 of God I Hate that Man
As heat envelopes my body and pleasure floods my veins, I let go of any concerns and just enjoy the moment. I am already close to coming, Ashley made sure of that when she took me into her juicy mouth. Ashley is close too. I can tell by the way her breathing has grown ragged, by the way her hands are all over me, like she wants to caress every single spot on my back, my sides.
I lean down and kiss her, a hungry kiss that makes her moan into my mouth. I move my hips faster as I feel my orgasm starting to take over. There’s no going back now and I moan loudly. As I start to come, I feel Ashley’s pussy clench and she screams my name, coming with me. We both come hard, a blending of juices, and moans.
I feel my muscles tightening as I hit the peak of my climax and then I relax, my muscles turning to jelly, my heart beating hard.
Ashley shifts slightly on the couch so I can fit in beside her. We lay on our sides, facing each other, our eyes searching each other’s faces.
I know I should move, go to bed or something, but right now, I feel too tired to move. I wrap an arm around Ashley and kiss her forehead. I wait for her to pull away as I kiss her head, to start telling me we made another mistake and run from the room, but she doesn’t. She snuggles closer to me, wrapping her own arm around me.
This feels dangerous, like more of a mistake than the actual sex, but I don’t care. It feels good to lay here beside Ashley and when my eyes start to close, I don’t fight it, I just let myself fall asleep in her arms.
As I wake up, I try to stretch, but I feel like I’m confined. I open my eyes and see Finn lying so close to me that almost every inch of our bodies are touching. Last night rushes back in.
We had sex again. Sex that I instigated. Right here on the couch. After the sex, we laid in each other’s arms, something that felt awfully a lot like crossing the most forbidden of lines.
Sex with Finn and me, is rough, fast and hard, and while we’re doing that, I can convince myself it’s just physical. That we’re just fucking. But laying in each other’s arms after it? It feels tender, like something two people who want to do more than just fuck each other’s brains out would do.
I could see how tired Finn looked after we fucked and I knew he wouldn’t be awake for long. I remember smiling to myself, telling myself I had worn him out. I felt pretty tired myself, but I told myself I would just wait for Finn to fall asleep before I would disentangle myself from his arms and legs then go to bed.
Except when he did fall asleep, I found I didn’t want to move. I told myself I was just waiting a while, to make sure he was in a deep enough sleep, so I wouldn’t wake him up and have to have an awkward conversation with him, but I knew it wasn’t really that.
The truth is, it felt nice lying there in his arms, and I didn’t want to move away. Now, I wish I had. Because this is a mistake. A huge mistake. We’ve crossed a major line here. We really should have just stuck to avoiding each other. It seemed to be working out pretty well for us. That’s what we’re going to have to go back to doing.
I gently lift Finn’s arm up and very carefully slip out from beneath it. I get to my feet, holding my breath for a moment, praying he won’t wake up.
He rolls onto his front and makes a little snorting sound.
I can’t stop looking at him. He looks soft and vulnerable— like a man I would want for myself. Forever.
Then his breathing settles down again, and he stays asleep.
Thank God, for small mercies.
I pull my skirt down, unrolling it from around my hips and pull my blouse up onto my shoulders then fasten one button to hold it in place. I look around for my panties and find them poking out from beneath the couch. I scoop them up and start to creep out of the room, but I can’t resist stopping for a moment to watch Finn.
He’s still on his front, his head turned to the side. He looks like all of his worries have floated away. He must have kicked his sweat pants and boxers right off in the middle of the night because he’s completely naked now. I can’t help but notice how good he looks. And then my mind wanders back to last night, to how he made my body feel alive like no one ever has before.