Page 48 of God I Hate that Man
“Umm, okay, send her up please.”
Who the hell is Janette Lake and what do I do with her? I’ve never heard Finn mention the name, but she could be a business associate or something. Then if Finn is on his way here to meet her while running a little bit late and I send her away, I don’t imagine he’ll be too happy about it.
I wait by the door until a light knock comes, then I open it.
The woman standing there is probably in her mid-thirties at a guess. She’s very beautiful with long tumbling blonde curls and a full figure with curves in all the right places. She’s wearing a cute little white skirt that shows her long, tanned legs, a vest top that shows her ample cleavage, and very, very high heels. In other words, she’s exactly Finn’s type, down to the clothes she’s wearing which look very designer. “Oh,” she exclaims, looking confused that I’m not Finn. Clearly, she wasn’t expecting a woman to be here. She probably doesn’t know Finn is engaged.
“Who are you?” she demands rudely.
“I’m Ashley,” I introduce, standing back to let the woman inside. I almost add that I’m Finn’s fiancée, but I remember how angry I was with Finn for doing that with Alan yesterday, and I decide to be the bigger person. Just because this woman is gorgeous doesn’t mean she’s not just a friend or a business associate of Finn’s. And if she is a business associate, maybe he doesn’t want her knowing the details of his personal life. “Finn isn’t here,” I say flatly. I can’t help the way my voice sounds sullen and unhelpful.
“Do you know where he is?”
I shake my head. “No, I’m sorry I have no idea. I can text him and find out.”
“That would be great, thank you.” Janette smiles for the first time and she has amazing teeth.
She still isn’t telling me why she’s here, but I’m starting to think Finn must have been expecting her and got caught up at the office or something. She seems like she expected him to be here.
I go and get my phone from the counter and send Finn a quick text. Where are you? There’s a Janette Lake here to see you. I press send and Janette and I stand and look at each other awkwardly while I wait for a response. “Why don’t we sit down?” I say when the silence gets too much even for me.
Janette nods and struts over to the tall stools by the counter. She slips gracefully onto one and perches there like she belongs.
Clearing my throat, I follow her and sit down one stool away from her. My phone pings as I sit down. I open a text from Finn and read it quickly.
I’ll be there in ten minutes.
It’s short and to the point. I’m relieved Finn will be home soon and this awkward encounter will be over, but I’m also a little… something. I don’t know, angry maybe? That he’s dropping everything and rushing over to see Janette. I remind myself this is most likely business. Maybe she was meant to meet him at the office and got her wires crossed or something. But something about the way she is dressed and looks tells me she has nothing to do with business. “Finn’s on his way home. He’ll be here in ten minutes,” I tell her shortly.
“Oh, thank God,” Janette remarks with a short laugh. “I know you’re going to think this is ridiculous, but I left an earring in his car last night, and I really have to get it back. I know it’s only an earring, but it has sentimental value to me, and I haven’t been able to settle since I realized I lost it. I’m just glad I worked out where it must be.”
I smile and nod, but I’m not really listening to Janette’s silky voice and her perfect laugh. I’m seething inside. There’s only one way a person loses her earring in a car and doesn’t notice immediately… the thought of Finn and Janette fucking, then him coming home and fucking me turns my stomach. I actually want to vomit on her. “I completely get it,” I mutter when I realize Janette is waiting for me to say something.
I get it all right. It’s a good excuse to come back for round two. “I’m sorry, but I have some work calls I need to make. Would you excuse me?”
“Oh, yes of course,” Janette replies sweetly. “I’m so sorry to have disturbed you.”
“It’s fine,” I reply with a fake smile as I stand up. “Hope you find your earring.”
“Thanks,” Janette replies.
I walk towards the hallway so I can escape to my bedroom. I’m glad I wasn’t rude to Janette. I mean it’s not her fault Finn’s been fucking us both. And it’s not like he’s really done anything wrong, at least not to me. I don’t know what kind of arrangement he and Janette have, and I don’t want to know, but our own deal was clear. We can sleep with whomever we like as long as we don’t humiliate each other in public.