Page 26 of Big Man Next Door
Ian stands in front of me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest. “I want to show you something.”
“Okay,” I say, completely mesmerized by his eyes.
“Come with me.” Braiding out fingers together, he drags me out of the bar and down the street. Heading up an alley, he pulls back a piece the chain link fencing surrounding a building, and slips in.
“What are we doing?” I ask, looking around nervously.
“It's fine, trust me.” He holds the fence open, and waves me in.
Reluctantly, I slip under the fence. He takes my hand again and leads me through some tall grass to a small building.
“Where are we?”
“A little place I know.” Moving to the back of the building, he pushes a trash bin under the fire escape ladder. “Here. You first.”
“What? No, I'm not climbing up there. I don't even know where we are. Can't we get arrested for trespassing or something?”
“No, it's fine. I promise we won't get in trouble.”
“You're sure?”
“Trust me, Heather.” Nudging his head toward the trash can, he cups his hands together. “You need a boost?”
“No, I think I got it.” Climbing the bin, I grab the ladder with both hands and start to climb up.
“Go all the way to the top, up to the roof.” He's right behind me, following me up.
Climbing over the edge, I drop down onto the other side. Ian climbs over, taking a moment to wipe some dirt off his pants. “That is the best view, up here,” he says, his eyes dancing over my ass.
Giggling, I smack his chest, and step forward. “So, what is this place?”
“It's actually an old radio station building. See?” he asks, pointing at the giant antenna.
“And you're sure we won't get in trouble for being here?”
Gripping my chin, he lifts my face so I'm looking him in the eyes. “Trust me.” Smiling, he releases my face and takes my hand. “Here, let me show you something.”
He pulls me to the other side of the building and lays down. Patting the spot next to him, I lay down on my back.
“What are you showing me?”
“Just look.”
Adjusting my eyes to the dark night sky, I'm not sure what I'm looking for. A plane goes blinking by high above, and I see the faint outline of a thin cloud passing by the moon.
“I don't have a clue what I'm looking for.”
“It's not about finding something, it's about taking it all in. Look at all the stars, look at how bright they are. It's crazy when you can see how small you are in this big universe.” Rolling onto his side, he says, “I used to come here when I was kid after my father took off, and it felt like the world was on my shoulders. But this place would steal me away.”
I'm watching him in the dark. The way he's allowing this side to come out. To show me he's vulnerable too, even if he doesn't always want to admit it.
“I'm sorry to hear that.”
“No, don't apologize. I didn't tell you that to make you feel bad for me, I just wanted to share a little piece of my world that most don't even know about.”
“Does Grey know?” Ian shakes his head no, and my body ignites with electricity as it flows through my veins.
He gave me something no one else has, not even the person closest to him.
“Why are you telling me?”
“Because I want you to know I really like you, even if I'm a dick at times. I don't mean to be, I've just never been good at getting close to people.”
Lifting my hand to his face, I cup his cheek and run my thumb back and forth. I don't know what to say, and sometimes a touch says more than any words.
He brings his face lower and lower, hovering his lips over mine. Holding my breath, I wait, anticipating his kiss.
Except, he doesn't, he just stays there, lingering in a momentary pause. I can see the thoughts running through his head. His lips part as if he's about to speak, yet he stays silent.
“What? What is it?” I ask.
Thinning his lips, he shakes his head, forcing the thoughts away. “Forget it.” Driving his mouth onto mine, he slips his hand under my head and curls his fingers into my hair.
His kiss is sweet. I can taste the vanilla and orange vodka from the cremsicle shots we had at the bar. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, swirling around. He pulls away, sucking on my bottom lip and plucking it between his teeth.
Every kiss he gives me, he steals a piece of my heart. Every time his hands touch my flesh, he leaves a burn no one can see, but I feel it like a lingering spark from a dying fire.
Resting his forehead against mine, he closes his eyes and exhales hard. The pads of his fingers massage my scalp, coaxing a coo from my mouth. He presses his lips to my ear, and whispers.