Page 3 of Big Man Next Door
Groggy and half awake, I rub my eyes as I move to the door. Pressing my eye to the peep hole, I can't see anyone. The small window is dirty and covered in a yellow film.
“Who is it?” I ask.
“A man who has to be at work in twenty minutes and needs to go.” His tone is deep, and annoyed.
“I'm sorry, who?”
“Look, you're parked behind me. I need you to move your damn car right now.” There's no hiding the anger in his voice. I pissed this man off.
Already starting off on a good foot, Heather.
“I'm sorry, what?” Cracking the door open, I inhale a sharp breath as I'm met with a wall of a man.
My eyes move up his broad chest and wide shoulders. With a chiseled jaw, his lips are full, and his jet-black hair is tousled to perfection. But his eyes, his eyes are bright blue, as blue as the ocean on a sunny day.
I didn't expect this. He's hot as hell, and I'm a mess right now.
“What's wrong?” I ask, trying not to stare too much at him.
“You're really going to make me say it again?” He growls under his breath and rolls his eyes. “You are blocking me, and I don't have time to sit around and wait for you. You need to go move your car.” His eyes dance around my face, moving down my neck, and lingering on my chest. “Do you want me to spell it out for you too?”
Glancing down, I realize my top has shifted and my breast is almost hanging out of my shirt. The man's eyes stay on my chest, causing me to cover myself protectively, and take a step back.
“You don't have to be a jerk about it. I'll go grab my keys.”
“Yeah, well, the world isn't nice, get used to it. I don't have all day to wait around for you.”
“All right, I'm moving. Being a dick about it won't make it happen any faster.” Getting my keys off the counter, I move toward him, and he takes a step to the side to let me by.
“Obviously, you have no regard for other people. You just parked in the middle of the driveway as if you're the only one here.”
“I didn't mea—” Cutting myself off, I shake my head. “You know what, I don't have to explain myself to you.”
“I'm sorry, have you lived here for years?” He cocks a brow as we head outside, and his voice is peppered with sarcasm. “Ohh, that's right, the answer is no, you haven't.”
“Screw you,” I snap as I climb into my car and slam my door shut.
The man gets into a dark blue truck, giving me an angry scowl. Moving my car, he hits the gas hard, and the truck flies backwards. His brake lights shine brightly, causing me to squint. The truck jerks forward, and the tires spin, kicking pebbles up as he speeds off.
Clenching my steering wheel, I park in a spot to the side, my teeth grinding against each other.
Who the hell does that guy think he is?
He doesn't own the building. He isn't in charge, and he certainly doesn't have the right to treat me like I need to jump if he demands it.
But he is fucking hot. . .
I could stare at him all day, so long as his mouth is shut.
Her hair, her eyes, her full lips and those luscious curves. . .
Those fucking lips. The second I laid eyes on her, all I could do was picture those lips wrapping my cock as I stuff myself so far in her mouth she gags.
I can't shake her from my head. She opened the door and I almost fell over. My chest grew tight, my dick thickened, and my imagination instantly went to thoughts of fucking this beauty.
How did she end up here?
The small blonde across the hall, with long curls my fingers itched to grab, and big green eyes with lashes that fan her lids like the tail of a peacock, doesn't belong here. This isn't the neighborhood of wholesome families and people who will help you if your car breaks down.
The last few tenants that lived across from me were real gems. A junky who wore track lines like a fashion statement, a couple of drunk college kids who didn't know the meaning of sleep, and one arsonist who tried to burn the fucking building down.
Those are the types of people that I expect to rent a shit-hole apartment like this, not an innocent girl like her. I could see it instantly in her face. The delicate princess who gets her nails done and is afraid of the dark. The cute twang in her voice is enough to know she's a southern bell in over her head.
This isn't the best part of the city, which is why the rent is so cheap, and it draws the wrong type of crowd. I don't give two shits about who lives across from me because I can handle my own, but a girl like her, obviously small town, where neighbors borrow cups of sugar and people know you by name, she's worlds away from where she belongs.