Page 23 of Spiked
“Yes,” I managed. I bit my lip, trying not to look at the bulge in his boxers, trying not to reach forward and brush the fabric aside, to see if the rumors about his cock size were true. I wanted him, I wanted him to take me, to make me cry his name, to sink himself into me— but I also didn’t want to be one of his groupies. I knew that at my core, and that knowledge was just powerful enough to fight through my want for him.
Jacob was clearly perturbed, but he took a steadying breath. “Ok. Is the problem the number of girls I’ve been with, or the location? Because I can change the location, but not the number.”
“It’s the location,” I said. The other girls didn’t bother me— in fact, had I been braver, I might have been willing to admit that it turned me on a little, knowing he’d had and could have other girls, but wanted to be in me. But lying in the same spot where another girl had been, for my first time?
I wanted Jacob to take my virginity, to make me come like he promised, to have me— but not like this. Not when it’d be so easy for him to compare me to another, likely more experienced girl. Not when I’d be one of many.
“Oh, thank god,” Jacob said, and looked genuinely relieved. “Ok. What if I took you somewhere I’ve never taken another girl?”
I bit my lip and nodded. “Quickly?”
Jacob grinned. “Very quickly. Come on.”
He pulled me to standing, giving me just a moment to find my footing before he pulled me to his chest and slid one hand between my thighs, sliding a finger to the side of my panties, teasing my pussy. When I gasped in pleasure, he pulled away, and we both hurried to our clothing. We were dressed in moments, still wet and delirious with pleasure. I barely noticed as we raced out of the resort, down a path, to the apartments that sat across from the stadium— where the football players lived, I knew from my brief time on campus. He was taking me to his apartment—
“You’ve really never had another girl up there?” I asked as we crossed the road, hands wound together.
“Not one. Always been a policy,” Jacob said, casting a bright smile over his shoulder.
I wanted to ask why I was the exception, but wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to know just yet— what if the reason was simply that I wouldn’t have sex with him at the pool? It’d ruin this moment, this intensity, this desire to have him inside me.
He lead me through the lobby, up a flight of stairs, down a hall, and finally to his door. When he opened the door, a wave of freezing cold air conditioner air swam over me, causing my still-damp skin to rise with chill bumps. Jacob paused at the door, then looked back at me, a smoky, daring look in his eyes.
“Go in,” he said firmly, voice quiet.
I took a long, drawn breath, nodded, and walked inside. I could feel Jacob’s eyes on my back, liked knowing that he was staring at my ass. That he was picturing me naked, as I’d pictured him.
The apartment was an exceptionally large studio— another football player perk— and the curtain less windows just beyond the king sized bed overlooked the stadium, which looked like a monster in the dark, completely in shadow save a handful of emergency lights.
“Take off your dress,” Jacob ordered. I smiled, and took the zipper in my hand, let the fabric fall away. I started to turn around— “No,” Jacob said. “Stay there.”
My heart raced as I heard Jacob walk up behind me, then felt his warm hands on my back. He let his fingers dance across my skin, teasing me when he squeezed each ass cheek in turn, rubbing them with his thumb as he did so. Then he reached up and unclasped my bra.
I wanted him to take my breasts in his hands, in his mouth, but he backed away, leaving me desperate for his touch. “Take off your panties,” he finally said.
I couldn’t remember ever feeling so alive, ever feeling so hungry for something. I hooked my fingers on the sides of my panties and slowly, nervously, excitedly tugged them down. At the last moment, a surge of bravery shot through me, and I bent at the waist to lower them to my ankles and step out.
Jacob groaned at the sight, and his footsteps quickened behind me. He grabbed my shoulders, spun me around, and his mouth was on mine, his hands running down my naked body. He lifted me and placed me on the bed, then smiled as he ran one hand up my legs, fingers hard on my skin. He crossed to the inside of my thigh, then—