Page 37 of Spiked
“I’m going to get Adams for this Saturday,” Piper said hungrily. She gave me a wry look. “I hear he’s got an eleven-inch cock, you know.”
“Is that…possible?” I asked. It was a serious question— Jacob’s was already so big, I couldn’t imagine adding another two inches.
Piper laughed brightly. “Yes, but not everyone would have the skill to suck it like me.”
She flounced off toward Adams, sidling in beside him. She clearly wasn’t playing the slow game, like she had with Jacob— I watched her lean in and whisper something in Adams’ ear. He smiled, rose, and lead her away from the porch.
“Wow, nice, Piper,” Kiersten said to no one in particular, looking truly impressed.
“Have you ever had sex with someone that has an eleven-inch cock?” I asked.
Kiersten laughed. “Oh, honey. Of course I have. Honestly, at that point it’s less about the size and more about how he uses it. I’m curious to see if Adams knows how to work that tool. Want to sneak a peek?”
“Oh, come on. It’s just Piper. Besides, at the rate Adams is going, he’ll have had sex with both of us by the end of the month. He’s going to blow past Jacob Everett’s record in no time.”
Frankly, I didn’t want to watch Piper have sex with anyone, but Kiersten was already pulling me down the hall, certain about their destination. And, truth be told, I was curious about how different an eleven-inch cock really was from a nine-inch one. It couldn’t hurt to pry a little, right? I saw Jacob was still occupied with the players down below— he didn’t know I was coming, so it wasn’t like he’d miss me.
“They’ll be in here,” Kiersten said as we went upstairs, down a long hall. A door was cracked and, sure enough, I could hear the sounds of someone moaning inside.
“Damn, he gets right to the point, huh?” Kiersten giggled, then stepped up first to look around the door. From my position, I could see through the space in the door frame between the hinges. It was clearly supposed to be a bedroom, but had been repurposed as something of a library— though all the books on the shelves seemed to be football related. There was a wide couch in the middle, which is where Piper and Adams were.
Piper was on top, naked; Adams was still dressed, save his pants being tugged down. He had a sly smile on his face, and had his hands behind his head, watching her breasts bounce as she rode him hard. Piper’s body was flawless— tanned and toned and entirely unlike mine— and she was sweating lightly from the work.
Adams shifted, suddenly, and turned over; he didn’t move Piper around, command her the way that Jacob did me— the way I liked so much. Rather, he simply repositioned her and kept going, an almost bored look on his face.
“She’s totally faking it,” Kiersten whispered. “I know her faking it face.”
“That is eleven inches though,” a new voice said. Me and Kiersten nearly jumped right into the bedroom where Piper was now most assuredly faking a loud, long orgasm. It was Jenna— the girl from the bar where I had met Jacob a million years ago. She grinned devilishly.
“How long have they been in there?” she asked.
“A few minutes,” Kiersten said cautiously.
Jenna rolled her eyes a little. “I think he’s just trying to get a rise out of Jacob, fucking all his former favorites right here in front of him.”
“Is it working?” I asked.
Jenna shrugged. “You’d have to ask Jacob.” She leaned in closer, studying Piper and Adams. “Yeah, it’s eleven inches, but I’d rather take Jacob’s nine any day. He knows how to use it.”
I blinked at her words.
It was one thing to know abstractly that Jacob was incredibly experienced. But something about hearing Jenna say this— pretty, popular, cute Jenna— made my throat dry. Had Jenna and Jacob had sex? It was possible. I had to know.
“So, you and Jacob have…” I began.
Jenna and Kiersten exchanged a sort of confused glance, then Jenna said, “We were together, for a while.”
“The school’s golden couple. Football star and soccer diva,” Kiersten said.
“Oh,” I said. That’s right— Jenna was one of the athletes. And they’d been in that photo together…
“You two should get back together. You were adorable,” Kiersten went on.
“We’ll see,” Jenna said, smiling. I forced my face to stay blank. I didn’t feel like I had any right to be upset— for starters, no one knew that Jacob and I were anything more than perhaps a hookup or two, and neither of us had even truly confirmed THAT. Plus, even though I was certainly exclusive with him, Jacob and me had never really discussed whether or not we were exclusive. And lastly…this was Jenna. She was tiny and cute and had a million things in common with Jacob. They had a history. They had a relationship.