Page 109 of Mr Garcia
“We’re here.” I bounce around in my seat.
Sebastian smirks, picks up my hand, and kisses my fingertips.
“What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get there?” I ask.
“April Bennet.”
I giggle. “No, I mean, like do, do. Like a doing thing.”
He raises an eyebrow, amused by my childlike excitement. “April Bennet.”
I smile as I pull his face to mine and kiss his big, pouty lips. “Thanks for bringing me.”
The seatbelt sign goes off. “Let’s go have some fun.”
“Okay.” I stand so quickly that I hit my head on the overhead. “Ouch.”
“Careful,” he warns.
We walk up the aisle, and as we get to the doors, we are hit with a wall of heat. It’s like a blazing hot oven.
I gasp as the air leaves my lungs.
“What in the sauna do you call this?” Sebastian mutters under his breath.
“Right.” I get the giggles as we walk down the plane’s stairs. “Please tell me we have aircon in our room.”
“I fucking hope so. My balls are hard boiled in these jeans.”
I burst out laughing, and he laughs, too. Oh, it’s so nice to be somewhere different together. So much of our time together has been spent in the shadows.
I feel like we are finally a real couple, doing grown up, couple things.
Hand in hand, we walk over the tarmac and into the airport. Once through security, we see a man standing with a sign that reads:
I hunch my shoulders together in excitement.
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Garcia?” the driver asks.
Mrs. Garcia.
“Yes,” Sebastian replies.
“This way, please.”
“Thank you.” We follow him out to a black Audi, and we climb into the backseat.
Woohoo, we’re on our way.
An hour later, we turn off the main road and into a fancy looking driveway. The landscape is tropical and well kept. It’s super beautiful. We come to a large, circular driveway, and the driver pulls over.
“Here we are.” He gets out and retrieves our bags from the trunk, leaving us to walk through to reception.
It’s all open air, and I can see through to the huge exotic resort pool that’s surrounded by deckchairs and waiters delivering cocktails to people. Behind all that is the most beautiful, crystal-blue water I have ever seen. The sand is white.
Wow, this is Heaven.
“What ocean is that?” I ask Sebastian.
He looks out and rolls his lips. “Indian Ocean.”
“Really?” I frown. I take out my phone and Google it.
What ocean surrounds the Maldives?
“Indian,” he repeats.
“Just checking.”
“Do you have to check everything I say?”
Indian Ocean.
“Oh.” I sigh, slightly dejected. I was sure it was something more exotic. It sure does look like it. I’ve never seen water so blue.
Sebastian gives me a sexy wink in an I told you so statement.
I smirk.
“Can I help you?” the receptionist asks.
“Yes, checking in, please.”
“Of course.” She smiles, her eyes lingering on Sebastian. “What was the name?”
“Sebastian Garcia.”
Her eyes widen. “Oh, yes, of course, sir. You’re from the United Kingdom. We’ve been awaiting your arrival. The extra security is in place. Please let us know if anything isn’t up to your standard.”
Sebastian fakes a smile, unimpressed. “Thank you.” He hates a fuss, and I know that his security team back home would have organized this without his consent.
“Did you have a good flight?” she asks, her eyes lingering a little too long on my handsome man.
He did, bitch. Back off.
I fake a smile, too. And hurry up about it.
“Paulie will show you to your room.” She hands over the key. “You are in the North Wing Penthouse.” She gestures to the left. “If you go around past the pool and restaurants, your penthouse is on the ocean front.”
“Thank you.”
Paulie steps forward and nods. “This way, please.” We follow him out through the gardens, and we cut through a pool area.
“Seb!” Someone calls.
We turn to see a blonde guy waving. He starts to jog over to us. Seb smiles and waves back.
Scratch that. A blonde god is jogging over to us. Square jaw, blonde hair, and rippled abs.
Jeez, who is this?
“Hey, you made it.” He laughs and shakes Seb’s hand.
“This is April,” Sebastian introduces me. “This is my rent a friend, Spencer Jones.”
I chuckle as I shake his hand.
“Hey.” He smiles. “Nice to finally meet you.”
“You, too.” I smile and hunch my shoulders. Awkward.
“Come see the others,” Spencer says, gesturing to the pool.
“We’re on our way to our room,” Seb replies.
“It will only take a minute.” Spencer grabs my hand and begins to drag me toward the pool. “Look who I found!” he announces to the others.
A man looks up from his deckchair, and his big brown eyes meet mine. Okay, fuck. Who the hell is that gorgeous specimen with his dark hair, square jaw and… eish, power for days. “Julian Masters, this is April.”
I smile as I nervously shake his hand. Jeez, strong hands too.
“This is his wife, Brielle.” She’s pretty and natural-looking—younger than me by the looks of it.