Page 12 of Rewrite the Stars
Is he serious? I stand, looking up to meet those green eyes that are narrowed into slits.
“Well, forgive me for not being happy to see the guy who robbed then attacked my father,” I snap, my voice low and dripping with venom. Once again, I try to walk away, but Sebastian grabs my wrist, pulling me back to face him.
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t. It’s just a coincidence that it happened the night after we went to jail.” I huff out a laugh and shake my head, but he tightens his grip on my wrist, pulling me closer. Too close. I’m frozen under his gaze.
“Believe whatever the fuck you want, but I didn’t do it. My conscience is clear. I’m happy with who I am. Can you say the same, Evan?” His mouth comes down, close to my ear. “Be careful, Princess. You’re wrapped in a pretty package, but you’re rotting from the inside out.” He gives me a cruel smile when I jerk my wrist from his grasp. “This isn’t you,” he says, his voice an octave lower than it was, and this time, he’s the one walking away from me.
I lie on my bed, tapping my bare feet against my bookshelf headboard as Something Corporate sings about wanting to save a girl, loud enough to drown out all thoughts of mysterious boys on motorcycles. I open my eyes, the fairy lights strung across my headboard slowly coming into focus. The ones that are so similar to that night, bringing Sebastian right back to the forefront of my thoughts.
Focus on the lights, Princess.
I put these lights up shortly after coming home, and it was Sebastian’s voice I heard in my head, telling me to look at the lights. Every time my parents fought. Every time my dad went MIA. Every time I felt like the world was closing in on me. How ironic that the person who caused all my problems was also the one to give me a way to cope with them?
But is he really the cause? The nagging voice in my head chimes in. The police weren’t ever able to find any evidence whatsoever. But it just made sense that it was Sebastian. He had the motive. He knew where I was staying. He had the key. It couldn’t have been random.
“Evan!” I hear a muffled yell through my headphones, and I pluck one out, leaning my head backward over the foot of my bed to see an upside-down Ethan in my doorway. I flip over onto my stomach.
“What are you doing here?” I hate when he’s in my space. My room is personal. It shows the real me, from the band posters to the lights to the books on my shelf. This room is Evan, not Evangeline.
“I knocked, but no one answered. Are you ready to go?” He takes in my bare legs and loose T-shirt, answering his own question. “Guess not.”
“Ready for what?” I ask, walking over to my dresser before slipping on a pair of white jean shorts. Ethan eyes my legs, sauntering over to me.
“Our date,” he reminds me, going in for a kiss, but I give him my cheek. He pretends not to notice the rejection. “Sav, Chloe, and Nick are waiting in the car.”
“Oh. Right.”
“Unless you want to stay in, instead,” he says in a voice that would probably have most girls dropping their panties.
“No, it’s fine,” I say, throwing my hair into a high ponytail and grabbing a cardigan to tie around my waist. I’d rather be anywhere with Ethan than here in my room. “I’ll meet you outside. I just need to tell my dad I’m leaving.”
“Right,” he says, knowing my dad couldn’t care less, but he doesn’t call me out on it.
Once he’s gone, I check my reflection. On the outside, I look like I have everything. My face is perfectly made up. Not a hair out of place. My eyes are big and bright, full of deception. I have everything all the girls at school want—a big house, a nice car, popularity, a hot boyfriend… But I want none of it.
I leave my room in search of my dad—Mom is working late, per usual—and I hear the water running in their bathroom. I pound on the door.
“Dad!” I yell, but there’s no answer. “I’m going out. I’ll be back later tonight.”
Still nothing.
My hand curls around the doorknob and twists, but I release it, not wanting to know what he’s really doing in there. I listen for a few seconds before turning for the stairs.
You are not the parent. He is. You are not responsible for him or the choices he makes.
I paste on a counterfeit smile as I bounce down the steps outside my house toward the silver Nissan GT-R. When I get to the passenger side, I’m not surprise
d to see Sav sitting in my seat. I think about making her move—because I can—but I decide I’d rather sit in the back with Chloe and Nick. Sav smiles a victorious smile, like she’s somehow won, so I’m less than gentle when I push her seat up enough for me to slip in behind her.
“Ouch! Watch it.”
“Where are we going?” I ask, ignoring her as Chloe hops over to sit on Nick’s lap to make room for me. Stupid two-seater.
“It’s a surprise,” Ethan says cryptically.
“There’s this showing downtown—” I start, but Sav cuts me off.