Page 26 of Summer Camp Captive
“I like the sound of that,” I admit. This man is my everything. “All you had to do was ask.”
His eyes light up and he has the biggest smile as he carries me from the bathroom to our bed. His face hovers over mine for a moment and he opens his mouth but closes it. He looks like wants to say something, but he can’t spit it out. Finally, he shakes his head and says it.
“You haven’t been taking birth control pills for a while. And I don’t think that was a stomach flu you were having,” he admits.
“Are you serious?” I smack his arm.
“I know it was wrong, I just…” He trails off, but his eyes are soft while his grip is firm.
I should be mad at him, but I can’t find it in me. Not when he looks at me like he is right now. His eyes are filled with so much hope.
“You think I’m pregnant?” I ask, a seed of hope growing in my heart.
He lowers his face to my stomach, pushing up my shirt and placing a kiss there. “You haven’t bled in months.”
I try to think back to my last period, and I’m shocked to realize he’s right. How did I miss that?
“If it’s a girl I pray she looks just like you.” I smile down at him as he keeps placing kisses on my stomach.
“What if it’s a boy?” I comment, and his whole body stills. I see fear flash across his eyes. “Sweetheart?” I ask, wondering why he’s so scared. It’s written all over his face and it’s not something I’m used to seeing.
“I’m big. A son of mine would be too big for you to carry.” He’s so concerned that I can’t help but laugh.
“If I can take you, I’m sure I can have your giant baby boys,” I snort as he narrows his eyes. “Besides, we don’t even know if I’m really pregnant.”
“I know every line of your body. You’re pregnant,” he confirms. “I’ve known for a few weeks.” He kisses the side of my neck, trailing down toward my chest. “I know everything about you.”
The past few weeks of slow love-making add up. Normally he can be pretty aggressive, but lately it’s been soft and sweet. Not that I mind. It doesn’t matter how he takes me because I’m always happy when we’re together.
“That’s why you’ve been so careful with me.”
“I’m always careful with you.” His gaze meets mine.
“You’re always sweet with me, but lately…” I trail off.
His hands go to my shorts, and he unbuttons them and slides them down my legs. “You’ve given me the greatest gift in life, Lainey. You’ve given me your body and you’re going to give me a child. I’ll show you I’m worthy of such a gift with every touch of my hand.” He moves between my thighs, kissing his way to my pussy. “With every touch of my lips.”
My gentle giant spreads my lips and runs his tongue against my clit. I moan as I clutch his hair with my fingers and he shows me exactly how much he loves me.
Nine months later…
I hold our son and then look over to Lainey. Both are sound asleep. The delivery was difficult for her, as we all knew it would be. Our son was thirteen pounds and her little body wasn’t able to have a natural birth. She’s been on bed rest the last few weeks, but I haven’t minded. I’ve been able to have her all to myself.
I’ve been busy at work, but I’ve got enough crews to cover so I could take off time when Lainey needed help, and then I was on hand after our baby was born. He’s completely perfect and I can’t stop holding him. Lainey says I keep hogging the baby, and she’s probably right. I can’t help it, though. He looks just like her. He’s going to be big like me, but he’s got her eyes and her chin, and I can’t stop smiling.
I didn’t know I could love something so much until I saw Lainey. Now that she’s given me a child, that love has somehow grown. Impossible though it seemed, she’s domesticated me in every way. Now she shows me how to use a smartphone and takes me to cook-outs with friends. I didn’t think this life was possible, but I would do anything for my Lainey. And now I know I would do the same for our son, Phoenix.
Lainey likes the name because she says it represents us. I agreed, because I never want to see a frown on her face. As long as she is in my arms when I go to bed at night, she can always have anything she wants.
Phoenix sighs and wraps his hand around my finger. My heart warms. Now there are two of them to pull at my heartstrings.