Page 15 of Macbeth
Think upon what hath chanced, and at more time,
The interim having weighed it, let us speak
Our free hearts each to other.155
BANQUO Very gladly.
Till then, enough.-Come, friends.
I.4Flourish. Enter King [Duncan], Lennox, Malcolm, Donalbain, and Attendants.
Is execution done on Cawdor? Are not
Those in commission yet returned?2
MALCOLM My liege,
They are not yet come back. But I have spoke
With one that saw him die, who did report
That very frankly he confessed his treasons,
Implored your highness' pardon, and set forth
A deep repentance. Nothing in his life
Became him like the leaving it. He died
9 As one that had been studied in his death 10 To throw away the dearest thing he owed As 'twere a careless trifle.
KING DUNCAN There's no art
To find the mind's construction in the face.
He was a gentleman on whom I built
An absolute trust.
Enter Macbeth, Banquo, Ross, and Angus.
[To Macbeth] O worthiest cousin,
The sin of my ingratitude even now
16 Was heavy on me. Thou art so far before That swiftest wing of recompense is slow
To overtake thee. Would thou hadst less deserved,
19 That the proportion both of thanks and payment 20 Might have been mine. Only I have left to say, More is thy due than more than all can pay.