Page 33 of Macbeth
Those of his chamber, as it seemed, had done't.
Their hands and faces were all badged with blood;100
So were their daggers, which unwiped we found
Upon their pillows. They stared and were distracted.
No man's life was to be trusted with them.
O, yet I do repent me of my fury
That I did kill them.
MACDUFF Wherefore did you so?
Who can be wise, amazed, temp'rate and furious,
Loyal and neutral, in a moment? No man.107
The expedition of my violent love108
Outrun the pauser, reason. Here lay Duncan,
His silver skin laced with his golden blood;110
And his gashed stabs looked like a breach in nature
For ruin's wasteful entrance: there, the murderers,
Steeped in the colors of their trade, their daggers
Unmannerly breeched with gore. Who could refrain114
That had a heart to love, and in that heart
Courage to make's love known?
LADY MACBETH Help me hence, ho!
Look to the lady.117
MALCOLM [Aside to Donalbain]
Why do we hold our tongues,
That most may claim this argument for ours?118
DONALBAIN [To Malcolm]
What should be spoken here,