Page 48 of Macbeth
Here, my good lord. What is't that moves your highness?
Which of you have done this?
50 What, my good lord?
Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake
Thy gory locks at me.
Gentlemen, rise. His highness is not well.
Sit, worthy friends. My lord is often thus,
And hath been from his youth. Pray you keep seat.
The fit is momentary; upon a thought
He will again be well. If much you note him,
58 You shall offend him and extend his passion.
Feed, and regard him not.-Are you a man?
60 Ay, and a bold one, that dare look on that Which might appall the devil.
LADY MACBETH O proper stuff!
This is the very painting of your fear.
63 This is the air-drawn dagger which you said 64 Led you to Duncan. O, these flaws and starts, 65 Impostors to true fear, would well become A woman's story at a winter's fire,
67 Authorized by her grandam. Shame itself!
Why do you make such faces? When all's done,
You look but on a stool.
MACBETH Prithee see there!
70 Behold! Look! Lo!-How say you?
Why, what care I? If thou canst nod, speak too.
If charnel houses and our graves must send