Page 93 of Macbeth
19illness wickedness
27round crown
28metaphysical supernatural
29withal with
35breath want of breath
40mortal deadly
43remorse pity
44nature natural feeling
45fell fierce 45-46keep peace...and it i.e., lull it from achieving its end
47take...gall exchange my milk for gall; ministers agents
48sightless invisible
49wait on aid
50pall thee shroud thyself; dunnest darkest
56ignorant unaware
62beguile deceive
63Look...time act as the occasion requires
67dispatch efficient management
70look up clear appear untroubled
71alter favor change your countenance
I.6 Before Inverness Castle s.d.Hautboys treble shawms (ancestors of the modern oboe)
1seat site
3gentle soothed
4temple-haunting nesting around churches; martlet swallow, house martin; approve demonstrate
5loved mansionry beloved nest
6jutty projection
7coign of vantage convenient corner
8procreant cradle cradle for breeding
12-13The love our subjects' love sometimes inconveniences us, but we still acknowledge it as love
14God 'ield us God yield us-i.e., God reward me
17single business simple effort