Page 97 of Macbeth
35gave...lie (1) made you a liar, (2) made you fall down
36i'...throat (to lie in the throat was to lie egregiously)
38took up my legs (1) made me fall down from drunkenness, (2) overthrew me in wrestling
39cast throw
44timely early
45slipped missed
48physics pain cures the trouble it gives us
50limited appointed
56combustion tumult
57obscure bird i.e., the owl
65Confusion destruction
71Gorgon Medusa, a mythical monster whose terrible aspect turned those who saw her to stone
77great doom the Last Judgment
78sprites ghosts
79countenance appear in keeping with
91mortality human life
92toys trifles
93lees dregs
94vault (1) world (with its vault the sky), (2) wine cellar
100badged marked
107Loyal and neutral loyal to Duncan and impartial on the question of the grooms' guilt
108expedition haste
114Unmannerly breeched indecently garbed
117Look to look after
118argument for ours matter as chiefly our concern
120auger hole i.e., any tiny cranny
123Upon...motion yet in motion
124frailties hid bodies clothed
126question discuss