Page 123 of Hamlet
HAMLET Good madam.
KING Gertrude, do not drink!
GERTRUDE I will, my lord; I pray you, pardon me.
KING It is the poisoned cup: it is too late.
HAMLET I dare not drink yet, madam: by and by.
GERTRUDE Come, let me wipe thy face.
To the King
LAERTES My lord, I'll hit him now.
KING I do not think't.
LAERTES And yet 'tis almost gainst my conscience.
HAMLET Come, for the third: Laertes, you but dally.
I pray you pass256 with your best violence: I am afeard you make a wanton257 of me.
LAERTES Say you so? Come on.
OSRIC Nothing, neither way.
LAERTES Have at you now!
In scuffling260 they change rapiers
KING Part them: they are incensed.
Gertrude falls?
HAMLET Nay, come, again.
To Hamlet
OSRIC Look to the queen there, ho!
HORATIO They bleed on both sides.-- How is it, my lord?
OSRIC How is't, Laertes?
LAERTES Why, as a woodcock to mine own springe266, Osric: I am justly killed with mine own treachery.
HAMLET How does the queen?
KING She swoons to see them bleed.