Page 127 of Hamlet
Q2 = Second Quarto text of 1604-05
Q1/Q2 = a reading in which the First Quarto and Second Quarto texts agree
F = First Folio text of 1623
F2 = a correction introduced in the Second Folio text of 1632 Ed = a correction introduced by a later editor SD = stage direction SH = speech heading (i.e. speaker's name)
List of parts = Ed
1.1.70 he = Q1/Q2. Not in F 72 steeled = Ed. Q1/Q2 = sleaded. F = sledded pole-axe = F (Pollax). Sometimes emended to Polacks 104 designed = F2. F = designe 126 haply spelled happily in F 151 say = Q1/Q2. F = sayes 167 Let's = Q1/Q2. F= Let
1.2.8 sometime = Q2. F = sometimes 67 SH GERTRUDE = Ed. F = Queen. 129 solid = F. Q2 = sallied, sometimes emended to sullied 134 Seem = Q2. F = Seemes 141 beteem = Q2. F = beteene 207 distilled = Q1/Q2. F = bestil'd 212 Where, as = Ed. F = Whereas 221 its = Q4. F = it 232 SH MARCELLUS and BARNARDO = Ed. F = Both. 249 SH MARCELLUS and BARNARDO = Ed. F = All. 254 walk = Q1/Q2. F = wake 260 tenable = Q1/Q2. F = treble
1.3.18 will = Q2. F = feare 23 sanctity = F. Q2 = safety. Ed = sanity whole = Q2. F = weole 48 watchman Q2. F = watchmen 68 new-hatched = Q2. F = vnhatch't 77 chief spelled cheff in F 113 Running = Ed. F = Roaming 121 Lends = Q1/Q2. F = Giues 132 dye = Q2. F = eye 134 bawds = Ed. F = bonds
1.4.10 wassail = Q1/Q2. F = wassels 23 intents = Q1/Q2. F = euents 37 the = Q1/Q2. F = thee; 54 summit = Ed. F = Sonnet 64 artery = Ed. F = Artire
1.5.23 on spelled an in F 33 I = Q2. Not in F 38 roots = Q1/Q2. F = rots 48 wit = Ed. F = wits with = Q1/Q2. F = hath 50 to his = Q1/Q2. F = to to this 74 eager spelled Aygre in F 76 barked = Q1/Q2. F = bak'd 112-13 My tables, My tables = F (in one line). Q1/Q2 does not repeat 122 SH HAMLET = Q2. F = Mar. 123 Hillo spelled Ilio in F 146 whirling spelled hurling in F 150 Horatio = Q2. F = my Lord 174 our = Q1/Q2. F = for 194 they = Q1/Q2. F = there
2.1.1 this = Q1/Q2. F = his 3 marvellous spelled maruels in F 15 As = Q2. F = And 67 carp = Q2. F = Cape 121 feared = Q2. F = feare
2.2.0 SD with others F has the Latin "Cum alijs" 17 Whether ... thus = Q2. Not in F (compositor's eyeskip?) 46 lord? I = Q2. F = lord? 48 and = Q1/Q2. F = one 55 fruit = Q2. F = Newes 129 solicitings = Q2. F = soliciting 169 does = Q2. F = ha's 204 that you read = Q2. F = you meane 208 lack = Q2. F = locke 226 SD Enter ... Guildenstern placed one line later in F 239 favours = Q2. F = fauour 283 of= Q1/Q2. Not in F 297 discovery, and = Q2. F = discouery of 300 heavily = Q2. F = heauenly 303 firmament = Q2. Not in F 339 berattle = F2. F = be-ratled 345 most like = Ed. F = like most 384 Roscius, an = F (Rossius an). Q1/Q2 = Rossius was an 388 came = Q2. F = can 392 individable = Q2. F = indiuible 411 pious = Q2. F = Pons 415 valanced = Q2. F = valiant 427 caviar spelled Caviarie in F 434-35 as ... fine = Q2. Not in F 435 One = Q2. F = One cheefe 447 total = Q1/Q2. F = to take 455 So, proceed you. = Q2. Not in F 461 matched = Q2. F = match 465 this = Q2. F = his 485 fellies spelled Fallies in F 492 mobled = Q1/Q2. F = ino-bled (throughout) 539 wanned = Q2. F = warm'd 566 bawdy = Q2. F = a Bawdy 569 Why = Q2. F = Who
3.1.33 here = Q2. F = there 48 please you = Q2. F = please ye 53 sugar = Q2. F = surge 77 proud = Q2. F = poore 83 would these = F. Q2 = would 93 away = F. Q2 = awry 104 I know = F. Q2 = you know 106 their perfume lost = Q2. F = then perfume left 117 with = Q1/Q2. F = your 138 nowhere = Q2. F = no way 147 paintings = Q1/Q2. F = pratlings 148 face = Q1/Q2. F = pace 149 jig spelled gidge in F 160 And = Q2. F = Haue 182 this = F. Q2 = his
3.2.4 with = Q2. Not in F 17 o'erstep = Q2. F = ore-stop 29 nor no man = Ed. F = or Norman 56 lick = Q2. F = like 58 fawning = Q2. F = faining 59 her = Q2. F = my 75 thy = Q2. F = my 80 stithy spelled Stythe in F heedful = Q2. F = needfull 94 mine now. = Ed. F = mine. Now 138 SH PROLOGUE = Ed. Not in F 144 SH PLAYER KING = Ed. F = King. 153 former = Q2. F = forme 174 you think = Q2. F = you. Think 184 either = Q2. F = other 185 enactures = Q2. F= ennactors 228 wince spelled winch in F 237 mistake = Ed. F = mistake your = Q1/Q2. Not in F 280 SD Enter ... Guildenstern occurs four lines earlier in F 305 as you = Q2. F = you 350 speak = Q2. Not in F 358 mass = Q2. F = Misse
3.3.15 weal = Q2. F = spirit 19 summit = Ed. F = Somnet
3.4.4 silence = F. Sometimes emended to sconce = conceal 14 a wicked = Q2. F = an idle (probably picked up by compositor from previous line) 38 better = Q2. F = Betters 51 sets = Q2. F = makes 73 brother = Q2. F = breath 87 And = Q2. F = As 121 do = Q2. Not in F 122 th'incorporal =
Q2. F = their corporall 126 on = Ed. F = an 151 a = F. Q2 = that 158 ranker = Q2. F = ranke 159 these = Q2. F = this 181 bloat = Ed. F = blunt. Q2 = blowt 243 mother's closet = Q2. F = Mother Clossets
4.1.16 ape an apple = Ed. F = Ape. Q = an apple
4.2.7 ne'er spelled neerer in F 24 ourselves = Q2. F = our selfe 27-29 SH KING Alas ... worm = Q2. Not in F (probably due to printer's error) 51 them = Q2. F = him
4.4.13 might = Q2. F = would 42 yield spelled dil'd in F 76 sorrows come = Q2. F = sorrows comes 77 battalions = Q2. F = Battaliaes 87 Feeds = Q2. F = Keepes 113 SH ALL FOLLOWERS = Ed. F = All. 119 that's calm = Q2. F = that calmes 148 is't = Q2. F = if 149 sweepstake spelled Soop-stake in F 154 pelican = Q2. F = Politician 163 SH ALL FOLLOWERS = Ed. Not in F 180 sing 'a-down = Q2. F = sing downe 185 pansies = Q2. F = Paconcies 209 commune = Q2. F = common
4.5.9 ambassador = Q2. F = Ambassadours 12 SH HORATIO = Ed. Not in F
4.6.26 aimed = Q2. F = arm'd 29 has = Ed. F = was 59 diest = Ed. F = diddest 71 since = Q2. F = hence 74 can = Q2. F = ran 97 What = Q2. F = Why 140 cunnings = Q2. F = commings 147 How now = F2. F = how 166 their= Q1/Q2. F = her 167 lay = Q2. F = buy
5.1.1 SH FIRST CLOWN = Ed. F = Clown 3 SH SECOND CLOWN = Ed. F = Other 11 to = Q2. F = an 91 of = Q2. F = of of 92 quiddities = Q2. F = Quiddits 108 sirrah = Q2. F = Sir 149 sexton = Q2. F = sixeteene 206 of = Q2. Not in F 235 treble woe = Q2. F = terrible woer 244 grief = Q2. F = griefes 246 Conjures = Q2. F = Coniure 257 SH HORATIO = Q2. F = Gen. 267 Woo't fast? = Q2. Not in F 280 couplets = Q2. F = Cuplet 288 your= Q2. F = you
5.2.31 villainies = Ed. F = Villaines 39 effect = Q2. F = effects 52 ordinant = Q2. F = ordinate 58 sequent = Q2. F = sement 62 defeat = Q2. F = debate 78 interim is = Q2. F = interim's 93 say = Q2. F = saw 113 king, sir = Q2. F = sir King 125 bet = Q2. F = but 129 laid on = Q2. F = one nine = Q2. F = mine 145 turn = Q2. F = tongue 148 has = Q2. F = had many = Q2. F = mine 157 ill all's = Q2. F = all 162 it = Q2. Not in F 188 brother = Q2. F = Mother 195 ungored = Q2. F = vngorg'd 266 own = Q2. Not in F 269 swoons spelled sounds in F 272 Ho! spelled How! in F 313 SD shot = Ed. F = shout 324 cracks = Q2. F = cracke 330 This = Q2. F = His 332 shot = Q2. F = shoote 339 now = Q1/Q2. F = are 340 also = Q2. F = alwayes 343 while = Q2. F = whiles
Lines are numbered continuously, for ease of reference.
Following 1.1.117:
BARNARDO I think it be no other but e'en1 so: