Page 130 of Hamlet
But it reserved some quantity56 of choice,
To serve in such a difference57.
Following 3.4.80:
Eyes without feeling, feeling without sight,
Ears without hands or eyes, smelling sans59 all,
Or but a sickly part of one true sense
Could not so mope61.
Following 3.4.166:
That monster, custom, who all sense doth eat62
Of habits devil, is angel yet in this,
That to the use64 of actions fair and good
He likewise gives a frock or livery65,
That aptly66 is put on.
Following 3.4.170 (before "Once more, goodnight"):
the next more easy,
For use68 almost can change the stamp of nature,
And either []69 the devil, or throw him out
With wondrous potency70.
Following 3.4.178:
One word more, good lady.
Following 3.4.201:
HAMLET There's letters sealed: and my two schoolfellows,
Whom I will trust as I will adders fanged,
They bear the mandate, they must sweep my way74,
And marshal75 me to knavery. Let it work:
For 'tis the sport to have the enginer76
Hoist with his own petard: and't shall go hard77
But I will delve one yard below their mines78
And blow them at the moon. O, 'tis most sweet
When in one line two crafts80 directly meet.