Page 133 of Hamlet
Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause136,
Which is not tomb enough and continent137
To hide the slain? O, from this time forth,
My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!
Following 4.6.43:
Of him that brought them.
Following 4.6.71 (before "Some two months since"):
LAERTES My lord, I will be ruled,
The rather, if you could devise it so
That I might be the organ143.
KING It falls right144.
You have been talked of since your travel much,
And that in Hamlet's hearing, for a quality
Wherein they say you shine: your sum of parts147
Did not together pluck such envy from him
As did that one, and that, in my regard,
Of the unworthiest siege150.
LAERTES What part is that, my lord?
KING A very ribbon152 in the cap of youth,
Yet needful too, for youth no less becomes153
The light and careless livery that it wears
Than settled age his sables and his weeds155
Importing health156 and graveness.
Following 4.6.92 (before "Sir, this report"):
The scrimers157 of their nation,
He swore had neither motion, guard, nor eye158,
If you opposed them.
Following 4.6.105:
There lives within the very flame of love