Page 135 of Hamlet
HAMLET Of him, sir.
OSRIC I know you are not ignorant--
HAMLET I would you did, sir. Yet in faith if you did, it would not much approve192
me. Well, sir?
OSRIC You are not ignorant of what excellence Laertes is--
HAMLET I dare not confess that, lest I should compare with him in excellence195:
but to know a man well were to know himself.
OSRIC I mean, sir, for his weapon: but in the imputation laid on him, by them in197
his meed, he's unfellowed.
Following 5.2.119:
HORATIO I knew you must be edified by the margent199 ere you had done.
Following 5.2.153:
Enter a Lord
LORD My lord, his majesty com
mended him to you by young Osric, who brings
back to him that201 you attend him in the hall: he sends to know if your
pleasure hold to play with Laertes or that you will take longer time.
HAMLET I am constant to my purposes, they follow the king's pleasure: if his203
fitness speaks, mine is ready. Now or whensoever, provided I be so able as
LORD The king and queen and all are coming down.
HAMLET In happy time207.
LORD The queen desires you to use some gentle entertainment208 to Laertes before
you fall to play.
HAMLET She well instructs me.
[Exit Lord]
Q2 = Second Quarto text of 1604/5
Q3 = a correction introduced in the Third Quarto text of 1611
Ed = a correction introduced by a later editor