Page 166 of Hamlet
62 garbage filth/animal entrails
66 secure carefree, unsuspecting
67 hebenon a poisonous substance--possibly "henbane" or "yew" (hebenus) 69 leperous distilment distillation causing leprosy-like symptoms (i.e. corrosion of the skin) 71 quicksilver liquid mercury
73 posset And curd clot, curdle
74 eager sour/acid
76 tetter eruption of the skin
76 barked about covered with a bark-like crust
77 lazar-like leperlike
80 dispatched deprived through death
82 Unhouseled, disappointed, unaneled without having received Holy Communion (the "housel"), unprepared, and without having received extreme unction (being anointed with holy oil before death) 83 reckoning settling of debts
83 account i.e. judgment
86 nature natural feeling
88 luxury lust
90 Taint pollute
91 aught anything
94 matin morning
95 'gins begins
95 uneffectual i.e. no longer providing light
97 host angels
98 couple add (to heaven and earth) 102 distracted distressed, agitated
102 globe world/head (plays on the name of the Globe Theatre)
103 table writing tablet, slate
104 fond foolish
104 records memories/written accounts
105 saws sayings, maxims
105 pressures impressions, stamps
110 pernicious destructive/wicked
113 meet fitting
116 word watchword/motto
124 Hillo ... come Hamlet mockingly responds as if Horatio's call were that of a falconer summoning his bird to return 125 How is't how is it with you, how are you