Page 184 of Hamlet
176 Purpose ... validity our intentions are subject to the weakness of memory, being passionate at the outset, but lacking in endurance 178 Which i.e. purpose
180 Most ... debt it is inevitable that we should forget to fulfill our obligations to ourselves 185 enactures fulfillments, performances
187 Grief ... accident i.e. one extreme of emotion turns to its opposite at the slightest event 188 aye ever
192 down fallen in fortune
193 poor advanced poor man who improves his station in life
194 hitherto up to this point (in the argument)
194 tend attend/serve
195 who not needs he who does not lack fortune
196 who in want he who, being in need
196 try test
197 seasons him ripens him into
200 devices plans
200 still continually
201 ends outcomes
204 Nor let neither
205 Sport ... night let me be barred from recreation during the day and rest at night 206 opposite opposing force
206 blanks makes pale
207 Meet ... destroy (may it) encounter and destroy everything that I would like to see prosper 208 here and hence in this and in the next world
212 fain willingly
212 beguile while away
217 protests makes declarations, vows
219 offence offensive matter (Hamlet shifts the sense to "actual injury/real crime") 221 jest pretend, act
224 Tropically figuratively
225 duke's i.e. king's
228 galled jade saddle-sore old horse
228 wince kick out from pain
229 withers part of the horse's back between the shoulder blades 229 unwrung not pinched or chafed
231 chorus actor who narrated or interpreted parts of a play
232 interpret provide dialogue as an actor does in a puppet show/act as a go-between 233 puppets possibly plays on a sense of "breasts/genitals"
233 dallying spending idle time together/flirting/having sex