Page 6 of The Heat Of Passion
gesture of good faith towards your family '
'Good faith?' A choked laugh fell from her lips as
she studied him with unhidden loathing and disbelief.
'You don't know what good faith is. It was blackmail.
You tried to put pressure on me by playing on my fam
ily's financial position '
‘I was demonstrating that I look after my own,' Carlo cut in with ruthless precision.
'Your own?' she repeated with revulsion. 'I was never yours!’
A winged ebony brow was elevated. 'You were mine
the first moment our eyes met but you were too stupid
and craven to face that reality '
'How dare you!'
'How dare you enter this room where you lay with me and try to deny what happened here between us?' Carlo demanded with blistering contempt.
She wanted to hit him. She wanted to scream back from the depths of her humiliation. But she wouldn't
allow herself to be drawn. 'My father ' she said very
'Was the most cosseted employee I have ever had,' Carlo interrupted. 'I allowed him complete autonomy over a company which was no longer his and in return I expected loyalty, not common theft.’
‘He can sell his house and pay back every penny!' Jessica swore furiously. 'Isn't that enough for you?'
'Your family home carries two mortgages. Why do you think he stole?' Carlo returned drily. ‘I wish to hear no more on the subject,’
'He's desperately ashamed of himself.' Jessica hadn't known that the house was mortgaged. She concealed her dismay with difficulty.
"This subject bores me.' Carlo sent her a grim glance.
‘I have no interest in your father except as a means to
an end. You can't influence my judgement with senti
mental pleas. There is no sentiment in business '
'So you simply brought me here to gloat?’ she gathered
with flashing eyes and a look of glowing scorn. 'You
make me sick, Carlo. I will stand by my father through
whatever you throw at him '
‘You like weak men, don't you?' he said silkily. 'Men who need mothering and support, men who make you feel that you're the one in the driver's seat. Maybe if I'd wept and plucked violin strings instead of demanded, you would have come to me instead...'
'Don't be crass.' Jessica was trembling with a rage that