Page 85 of Meeting Her Match
‘She wasn’t, when we met. As the years have passed, she has begun experimenting with that side of herself.’
‘Funny, that.’ I chewed ruminatively. ‘I keep coming across these women who started off as subs and switched when they got older. Is the BDSM scene ageist, then?’
‘Ageist?’ He sounded surprised.
‘It’s just that I can’t imagine ever wanting to switch. Will nobody want to top me when I’m past thirty? Because if so, I’ve only got three years to cram a hell of a lot of submitting into.’
‘I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.’
His voice was cold and my hackles rose. I wondered if I’d unwittingly uncovered a big old flaw in this little scene.
‘It would be a shame,’ I mused, daring to pursue the theme, ‘if that were the case.’
‘It would be a shame if you wittered on about something you have absolutely no evidence for.’
Ouch. Acid splash. I abandoned the topic in favour of the cold meats and pickles.
‘How old is your wife?’ I asked after a few minutes of détente.
I almost snorted into my wine.
‘How old are you?’
‘What about your chauffeur? Is his name Damian?’
‘Yes, what about him?’ His Lordship, or Marcus, or whatever, seemed very curt now. I wondered if I ought to change the subject to something obsequious or flattering. But he had said I could say what I liked in here, after all.
‘He’s quite fit.’ I sipped my wine delicately. ‘Does he work for you full time?’
‘Yes, he does. Well, for me and others of my circle. You have an eye for him, then?’ His Lordship pursed his lips.
‘Just like I said – he’s good-looking. I bet he’s popular.’
‘Like you.’ I relented and released a bit of the flattery.
‘Oh, I wouldn’t say –’
‘Yes, you would. Everyone says you’re like the superstar DJ of the dom world.’
‘I’ll take your word for it.’
‘You should. I know I’m very lucky. I feel I’m joining an elite.’
Mollified, His Lordship poured me some more wine.
‘It’s true. People come from all over the world to spend time here and avail themselves of my highly trained submissives.’
‘Do they? It’s like a kinky jet-set?’
‘Yes. Just this week, I have a couple from New York and some Germans. Most nationalities have been represented here at one time or another.’
‘Who are the kinkiest?’