Page 2 of Saxonhurst Secrets
‘Oi, Jake Summers, I ain’t done yet.’
Adam’s hand stilled on his cock. He felt shooting pains in his wrist from the speed at which he’d been masturbating. His fingers were numb. What would happen now?
‘Just as well we’re here, then.’
A second man dropped on to his knees in front of her, exposing his willing cock for her approval.
She smiled and pushed him back by his shoulders until he sprawled on the ground. Straddling him with pale thighs, she crept up his body until her pussy hovered over his shaft. Her hair drifted along the green-painted chest.
‘Must tickle,’ whispered Adam, imagining it.
Life returned to his hand and he stroked himself all the harder, watching the girl lower herself over her second lover and rotate her sinuous hips.
The chant started up again. The first man, now flaccid and regaining his breath on the ground, tried to join in but his efforts were half-hearted at best.
The girl fucked her man hard, tossing her hair, tightening her arse muscles, giving him the ride of his life. Her orgasm came first, a shrill sound like sorrowing birdsong. It hastened Adam’s own finish, his seed landing on the burnt ground in the barn’s long shadow.
He fe
ll to his knees and put his forehead to the blackened tufts of grass. His hat rolled off his head and lay to one side while Adam poured forth silent, self-loathing lamentation.
Punish my sin, Lord. I am weak.
Lusty cries from beyond his crouching figure suggested that the girl was now on to her third lover. He shut his eyes, listening to the growls, the savagely spoken obscenities, the chanting and the thud thud thud.
‘Fuck me raw,’ she said, her voice now harsh and ragged. ‘Fuck me, you pussy. Proper, like a man, not like a bloody boy.’
When Adam looked up, she was on to her fourth, on her hands and knees, getting fucked from behind. He wanted to find his feet and get out of there before his soul turned to ashes, but he couldn’t get up, couldn’t look away.
Lord, no Lord, please …
He groaned out loud, feeling his cock twitch again. For a second, he feared that the revellers might hear him, but they were far too involved with their ritual, cheering on their mate as he slammed hard into the girl’s cunt, driving her face and her arms deeper into the dirt with each thrust, finally smacking her bum as he filled her with her fourth helping of spunk.
Surely she couldn’t take two more?
Adam lay on his belly on the ground, trying to ignore his cock’s insistent cries for attention as it hardened painfully against the earth.
Don’t touch it. Don’t let the devil win.
But the fifth man sat down amidst the wheat, pulling her on to his lap, kissing her and fondling her breasts for a long time, apparently knowing that she needed a break. Her nipples were ripe and dark red as cherries. When the fifth man put them in his mouth and sucked, Adam half expected juice to ooze from them. While he attended to her tits, the sixth man nuzzled up behind her and began to kiss and lick the back of her neck. Her face melted into pleasure, her body stretching and arching like a cat’s. Adam could barely breathe, watching her heavy eyelids fall, the thick, black lashes fluttering against her cheeks. Her lips were beestung, kissed into swollenness. She ran the tip of her tongue along them, leaning back to offer her breasts even more blatantly than before. She stroked the fifth man’s cock while he teased her nipples, pushed her bottom back against the sixth and ground it into his pelvis.
Adam’s eyes filled with tears. He couldn’t fight arousal as powerful as this. The devil was going to win again. Her skin was damp and shining with sap. Brown streaks from the earth adorned her like primitive tattoos. She was a creature made of sex, a nymph of some kind. She had to be. No human woman could take six lovers, one by one, the way she did.
While she eased herself onto the fifth man’s cock, Adam began to hump the ground. It didn’t count if he didn’t touch it himself. It wasn’t the same.
When the sixth man parted her buttocks and pushed his fingers, lubricated with her own juices, into the tight pucker between them, Adam uttered a strangled cry.
‘Wanton bitch on heat. Strumpet. Harlot.’
His legs kicked behind him with each rough motion on the ground. His fingers curled in his hair, yanking at it. He was almost blind with sweat, the bodies of the lovers blurring before him.
But they weren’t so blurred that he couldn’t make out the long, thick cock of the sixth man gliding inside the girl’s bottom even as she bounced up and down on the fifth. A sight he should never have seen, wickedness, depravity …
‘Filth.’ His pants filled with warm liquid, the evidence of his guilt.
When the lovers came, one, then two, then three all within a minute of each other, he was sobbing with his face in a patch of scrubby grass.