Page 26 of Saxonhurst Secrets
The woman buckled it around her waist and through her crotch, over the top of her spray-on jeans, until it seemed that she was blessed with an erection of her own, albeit a shiny black latex version.
She turned to the crowd to give them a few suggestive hip thrusts, making them roar and whistle, then she stepped onto the low platform and pushed the end of the dildo between Evie’s pussy lips, circling until it was wet with her juices.
She clung to the back of Evie’s thighs, pulling them forward so that the dildo slipped into the shallow basin behind her vulva and butted its tip in the opening of her vagina.
Evie moaned.
‘You ready for this?’ shouted the woman, her voice as penetrating as a military drill sergeant. ‘Your cunt nice and wet for me, is it?’
‘Yes, yes,’ whispered Evie.
‘I can’t hear you, slut. Tell me your cunt’s fucking hot and wet for me, and when you talk to me, you call me ma’am, right?’
‘Yes, ma’am.’
‘Go on then. Say it.’
‘My cunt’s so wet for you, ma’am, real wet and juicy. It wants a good fucking, ma’am.’
‘It’s going to get one, slut. Take this.’
Adam winced as the long, curved phallus entered Evie in a swift stroke.
‘Have ’er, Gill!’ yelled the woman next to Adam. ‘She took your man. Get ’er back!’
He felt his hackles rise and a strong instinct of protection kick inside him. Evie was being revenge-fucked by this scary specimen of a woman. Somebody should stop it.
But Evie was submitting readily enough, moaning as the woman grabbed and squeezed great handfuls of her bum cheeks while she slammed into her cunt.
‘That was a good whippin’ you got,’ gasped Gill. ‘You deserved more, though. Didn’t you, eh? Little slut.’
‘Yes, ma’am.’
‘You ever cross me again and I’ll be givin’ you more than that. Get those legs wider, go on. Get that cunt proper stretched.’
She ban
ged on in a frenzy until Evie began climaxing in a high-pitched whimper, her head flailing from side to side. The violence of it both shocked and aroused Adam, and when Gill completed her hard shafting with a smart slap to Evie’s face, he doubled over and squeezed his thighs hard, only too conscious of his erection.
Gill yanked the dildo out of Evie so swiftly that her legs buckled and she seemed to hang there, all her weight supported by her poor bound arms, until she found her feet again.
Gill put her face to Evie’s cunt, taking a good long look at it.
‘That’s been well fucked,’ was the verdict. Then she unstrapped and flung the harness aside, marching down to the green’s edge like Joan of Arc in battle.
Adam was on his knees when the final man took his place.
The vicar covered his eyes. Surely Evie couldn’t take another pounding up there, so soon after that barbaric Gill had done her worst.
But when he peeked between his fingers, he saw that the man had turned Evie around again and was spreading her bum cheeks, stroking gently around her exposed little rosette. Evie was twitching and flexing up and down on tiptoes. The man’s attentions to her arse seemed to be ticklish and she wriggled and giggled as he got closer and closer to the target.
He was going to take her there.
Adam couldn’t look. He knew it would inflame him over the edge and no woman was going to make him disgrace himself on the village green in full view of his entire parish.
The commentary from the surrounding audience was more than enough to undo him, though.
‘Ooh, he’s got a finger in there, see?’