Page 42 of Saxonhurst Secrets
Sebastian tutted and shook his head. ‘No nose for a story,’ he said.
‘You wouldn’t mind doing it with your hands, though, would you?’ suggested Evie. ‘It’s ever so easy. And you could help us girls too. I could do with a hand with my vajazzles. And he could do all the lubing.’
‘That sounds – acceptable,’ said Trevelyan weakly.
Adam clenched his fists. He didn’t know what vajazzling was, but he didn’t want Trevelyan doing it to Evie, that was for sure.
‘Fine,’ said Sebastian. ‘We have a runner. Oh, but you aren’t taking the pictures. I’ll do that. Hand over the camera.’
‘I’d rather not …’ Trevelyan saw that he had little choice, though, and the camera was taken from around his neck and relinquished.
‘Good. Now, I think our Evie needs some ornamentation. Would you be so kind?’
Evie grinned impishly and dragged Trevelyan by the arm over to a chair. Sitting down on it, she raised her skirt and spread her legs without a word, revealing everything within to whomever cared to look. Then she reached down to a big compartmentalised box at the side of the chair and drew out some little sparkly gems on plastic backing.
Adam watched Trevelyan taking instructions from her and decorating her shaved pubic triangle with the tiny multi-coloured gems until he had successfully depicted an unfurling rose bud.
It was some measure of Adam’s infatuation that he did not look away once, even when an enthusiastic threesome scene was filmed a few metres away from Evie’s chair.
The groaning and grunting washed over him, the cocks plunged unseen into their corresponding cunts. All that filled Adam’s world was that tiny sparkling inverted triangle and the parted lips beneath.
He watched, barely breathing, as Evie pulled off her dress and scarf and allowed Trevelyan to dress her in a crotchless latex catsuit. This took some time, a great deal of talcum-powdering, followed by an heroic struggle of tugging and yanking. Eventually, she was second-skinned in shiny black and ready to have Trevelyan fasten her thigh high boots.
His next task was to scrape back her mane of unruly hair and fasten it in a severe bun. He required the help of the on-set stylist for
this, but seemed to relish taming it with quantities of gel and hairspray.
Evie wasn’t Evie any more, thought Adam. This foreign creature in her intimidating black with her sharply accentuated cheekbones wasn’t the girl he longed to take under his wing and keep from the wicked world.
She was the wicked world.
But it was a role, he told himself, a part she had to play. And he still maintained that she had found herself in this situation by default, rather than seeking it out. He had to believe it. Evie’s entire persona was a role – the outrageous, sexually flamboyant animal-girl. She had been groomed for it, by this mysterious grandmother of hers. What chance had she stood?
Trevelyan handed her a whip, a thing with an ornate, jewelled handle and many strands of braided black leather.
Adam shook his head. His Evie was no dominatrix. She taunted him so because she wanted him to tell her where to stop. She wanted him to raise his hand and say “Enough” and take her for his own. She wanted this. Why else was she coming to his Bible study lessons?
All the same, he was intrigued at the figure she cut, striding around, flicking the whip so it swooshed. Trevelyan stood well back, afraid of catching a tip across the cheek.
Kasia, in a ballet skirt and glittery pasties and little else, came running out from the house, her expression perturbed. She had some bad news, Adam thought.
‘Seb, just had Cal on the phone. He can’t make it. Rugby injury – he needs to see a physio.’
‘Shit,’ said Sebastian, and Evie’s face also fell.
‘I ain’t put this thing on for nothing, have I?’ she demanded, trying to pluck at the latex, but finding it unpluckable.
‘I don’t know,’ said Sebastian. ‘Without Cal, you can’t play this scene.’
‘Why not?’ said Evie. ‘What about him?’ She pointed at Trevelyan with her whip.
‘What?’ Trevelyan looked up from lubricating another girl’s anus, his shock of hair dishevelled.
‘You can be my sub, love. What do you think?’ She sauntered over, caressing the underside of his chin with the strands. ‘Can’t deny you deserve a whipping, can you? Leading a girl on like that last night. You played me for a fool.’
‘I … It was just a bit of fun,’ he said. Adam relished the rapid rise and fall of his chest, thinking he might actually enjoy watching the idiot get his comeuppance.
‘No fun for me,’ pouted Evie. ‘You was wasted. I had to go home without a proper orgasm. ’Cept that one you gave me with your tongue, but that don’t count.’