Page 45 of Saxonhurst Secrets
He nodded, as far as the constraints of his collar would allow.
‘Bad luck.’
She took up the whip and he yelped in alarm, but all she did was draw its knotted st
rands up and down, from his thighs to his belly and back, stroking him.
Then she held it the other way, using its blunt handle to push against the creases of his thighs, massaging them firmly, then moving it behind his testicles and manipulating the tight little sacs until he was crimson-faced and gasping.
‘Please,’ he wailed.
‘You’re getting this up your arse later,’ she said, and he sobbed. ‘That’s after I’ve worked it over your bum cheeks. Shit, sorry, Seb. Lapsed.’
‘It’s OK, we’ll cut that line and re-do it with the proper accent later. Carry on.’
‘Cheers, mate.’ She turned back to Trevelyan, her voice once more sculpted ice.
‘You’ll feel it up there,’ she said. ‘Have you ever been buggered, boy?’
‘No, mistress.’
‘I expect you’re looking forward to it, then?’
There was a loaded silence. Adam swallowed. He knew what he would say and it would be emphatically negative.
Trevelyan’s admission came out as a whisper.
‘Yes, mistress.’
‘Oh, I’m so pleased to hear it. Good boy. You deserve doggy treats.’
She wrapped her latex-gloved hand around his cock and began to tug at it, without finesse, but Trevelyan was past caring about subtle technique.
It took no more than a few jerks of his swollen cock for his semen to spurt out, covering Evie’s gloves with trails of pearly white.
Trevelyan’s head fell forward, his hair plastered to his brow, his eyelids lowered.
Adam shut his eyes tight against the blasphemous visual comparison forming in his mind. No, he must not think it. He must never think it.
Evie’s ferocious yell caused his eyes to fly back open.
‘Not even a word of thanks for your mistress?’
Poor Trevelyan tried manfully to raise his head and utter some broken words of gratitude, but it was never going to be enough for Evie.
She flicked the whip with vicious accuracy across his flank and he moaned and gasped.
‘I’m going to have to punish you for that, you realise? Where are your manners? We’ll have to work on them, won’t we?’
She released Trevelyan from his bonds, only to turn him the other way and re-tether him. Now his back and buttocks were perfectly presented for the chastisement Evie had in mind.
‘You ever been whipped before?’ she asked him gruffly.
He shook his head.
‘OK, I won’t go in all guns blazing. But it’ll hurt. If it gets too much, you say “Pax”, OK? Repeat it after me.’
‘Pax,’ he said.