Page 78 of Saxonhurst Secrets
‘Yes,’ he said, a mite crossly. ‘Yes, of course I am.’
‘Of course you are. You always are. You’re very sweet, Adam, but can I think about it? I’ve never really thought about marriage.’
‘Marry me and I’ll get you away from all this.’
‘All what?’
‘All this sordid reality. Having to do these things for Saxonhurst. Who chose you for this? Who is making you do it?’
She tried to tug her hands out of Adam’s grip, her face suddenly scared.
‘Nobody. Let go of me. Nobody pulls my strings. I do what I want.’
Her voice was defiant, but Adam saw the unease in her expression and knew he was close to the truth.
‘You could just tell me and it would all be over. We could leave this place together, go and live somewhere far away. You could be yourself and I could love you.’
‘You already do,’ she said tauntingly. ‘Or else why are you proposing to me?’
‘Say yes,’ he urged. ‘We could leave today. I’ll take you to France.’
‘I can’t,’ she said. ‘Don’t ask me to. Let me go and I promise I’ll think about it. Please?’
Reluctantly, Adam loosened his grip on her and rose to his full height again, feeling foolish, wishing he could take back the past few minutes, or weeks, or months. In fact, if he could just avoid ever coming to Saxonhurst, that would be perfect.
‘I’ll write to you,’ she said softly. ‘Or something. Have you got Skype?’
She tutted. ‘Luddite. You’ve got email, though?’
‘I’ll email you then. I should go. Got to pack.’
‘Evie,’ he put out a hand, preventing her attempt at a flit away. ‘How long will you be gone for?’
‘About six weeks, Kasia said.’
‘I’ll miss you.’
‘Aww. I’ll miss you too, love. I won’t be gone long.’
He couldn’t remove his hand from her shoulder. Surely now, surely she must kiss him?
‘Evie.’ He bent his head towards her, his heart beating faster with each inch of distance covered. ‘Let me kiss you.’
‘I can’t. I can’t. If I do, it’ll all be too soon.’
She snatched up the melting ice pop and shoved it into her mouth, twisting and turning under his hand until the only way he could keep her still was under duress.
He took his hand away.
‘Why?’ he asked. ‘Why will it be too soon?’
‘I’m only asking you to wait.’ Her voice was high and a little panicked now.
Adam watched her make her escape. Once she was at the door, she softened.