Page 86 of Saxonhurst Secrets
She lay down and screwed her eyes shut.
‘Gosh, you’re so masterful. At the most inconvenient times.’
‘Good night, Julia.’
Down to his underpants, he laid himself down at the extreme edge of the bed.
‘Good night, Adam. Sweet dreams.’
The dreams were not sweet, nor were they disturbing, for none came. Adam was enveloped in a pure blankness that carried him pleasurably through to the moment he was awoken by …
Was that a hand on his cock?
His eyes flew open, to find Julia smiling lazily into his face, her warm, naked body pressed up against his, her hand, yes, on his cock. His erect cock.
‘What are you doing?’ he gasped, the words not coming out quite right in his haste.
‘What’s the story, morning glory?’ she drawled. ‘Thoug
ht you might like a hand with it.’
‘You’re a – a sex pest,’ he accused, but the touch of her fingers sent a message of fatal weakness all the way up his nervous system to his brain.
She took them off and rolled over, presenting her back to him.
‘Oh dear. Wouldn’t like to be a sex pest. Certainly not.’
She pushed her bottom against his groin. Somehow his hand landed on her hip and held it there while his cock pushed against the yielding flesh.
‘Mmm, that’s nice,’ she said. ‘Now put your other hand on my breasts.’ She did it for him, and he was once more powerless to resist. How did she do it?
He felt it imperative that he put his lips on her neck and kiss it, long and lasciviously, pushing the tip of his tongue into the skin, testing it for flexibility. She seemed to enjoy this, and he enjoyed the passage of her moans through her throat, feeling them vibrate beneath his lips.
‘Careful, you’ll give me a love bite,’ she warned, but she continued to encourage him in all his works, rubbing herself joyfully against him.
Slowly and inexorably the hand he’d placed on her hip began to creep round in front, heading for the heated core between her legs. He needed to feel that warmth and wetness on his fingers, he needed to know how plump and full her clit was for him. And he needed to know, ultimately, how ready she was to accept him inside her.
His body knew what it wanted. His body had the upper hand over him this morning.
‘Oh yes, touch me right there,’ said Julia, grinding against his fingers. People gave the impression that the clitoris was hard to locate, but they were wrong, badly wrong. It bloomed under his touch, an obtrusive, fat thing, slippery with juices. If he rubbed it a bit harder, Julia seemed to melt against him.
If sex was sin, why did it bring such pleasure for both parties? Why did women have a clitoris, such a superfluous little thing if one considered the purpose of copulation to be procreation? Adam thought about this as he continued to stimulate Julia until she panted. Why would you give someone the means to masturbate, if you considered masturbation to be wrong?
He took his fingers away, much to Julia’s chagrin.
‘Don’t stop.’
‘No, I just want you to lie on your back. I want to see what I’m doing.’
She obliged him, spreading her thighs so he could make closer inspection.
What he saw between them was both the same as that oft-scanned biology textbook and different. The patterns were familiar, but the glistening, vivid colour and the intoxicating scent were not. He needed to breathe the scent in, to receive its full impact. He bent his face towards the spread folds and inhaled. It was like a drug, a perfumed steam that entered his senses and bewitched them.
Now that he could see her clit, peeking from the centre of the complex of whorls and swirls, he saw the best thing to do with it. Much better than touching, surely. He bent his head closer and put out his tongue.
‘Oh God, you’re a marvel.’
His instincts had been correct. He licked on, following every little pathway around that central focus, lapping and tickling while Julia grabbed his hair in great handfuls. How would he describe the taste? He pondered this, while his tongue investigated. It was a delicate flavour, almost overwhelmed by the strength of its scent. And the feel of those soft undulations beneath his questing tongue certainly added to the piquancy.