Page 15 of Competitive Nature
Elyssa took pity, joining him on the bed and drawing him into a loving kiss. “Why can’t we try to work together?”
Jay, putting the comb back on the dresser, threw off his bathrobe and stalked, splendidly naked, over to the bed.
“Working together,” he said, clapping his hands. “It takes practice. How about a team-building exercise?”
“A…team-building exercise?” Patrick and Elyssa chorused. Blinking, Elyssa envisaged tedious training courses she had attended at work.
“Yes. We work together, as a team, to achieve a satisfying outcome. This is what I suggest.” He sat down, pulling the turban off Elyssa’s head so that her damp, coppery curls snaked down over her shoulders. “Patrick Robertson and Jay Marriott,” he said, nuzzling into her neck, kissing it, touching Elyssa’s hand on his friend’s cock, “both want to make Elyssa Bradshaw come. Lots and lots of times. Let us consider how best to arrive at this result. Any thoughts, Elyssa?”
“Well, yes, I do have the thought that I also want to make you two come lots and lots of times. Is there any way to write that into the equation?”
“What about a contest?” said Patrick. “Whoever gives the most orgasms wins?”
“You and your bloody contests!” cried Elyssa, but she was laughing. “Okay, I think I can get on board with this one though. Don’t forget—teamwork is the key.”
“You have a natural advantage, though,” objected Jay. “You’re bound to win.”
“Well, you can halve my score, if that makes it fairer.”
“That sounds reasonable,” nodded Jay. “Good. Right then. On your mark. Get set…”
Jay made a dive for Elyssa’s legs, grabbing the knees in both hands and pushing his face up against her pussy before she could even squeal with surprise.
“Oh, you bastard!” Patrick, less quick off the mark than his friend, pouted. “That’s bound to be a first score to you. Cunnilingus never fails. Bah.”
“It’s early days,” Elyssa reminded him, wagging a finger prior to gathering his hard cock back into her steady grip and working him into a comfortable rhythm. “Ohhh, God,” she added, as Jay’s talented tongue found its target with ease.
She had to sink back against the pillows, opening herself to the hot, wet sensation of his breath and his mouth against her most sensitive parts, feeling her clit fatten and bloom against his tongue. The stroke of her hand on Patrick’s cock grew lazy and she almost forgot she held it until he placed his fist firmly over hers and began to pump along with her.
“Maybe…a different way…” she gasped, trying to wriggle away from Jay’s tormenting tongue, but he whipped a hand onto her thigh, holding her still, so that she had to tell him what she wanted to do.
“Ooh, Jay, can I shift a little, just so I can get my mouth on Patrick’s cock?”
Jay surfaced, his eyes manic with lustful purpose, his chin wet with her juices. “What, like a more complicated sixty-nine? A one hundred and eleven? Or something?”
“Something like that.” Elyssa snorted.
Jay scooted back, obliging her in her effort to place herself between Patrick’s legs, crouched down on her knees while he rested against the headboard. She dipped her head, sealing Patrick’s long-suffering cock between her lips, feathering around its circumference with the tip of her tongue until she had felt her way and could glide farther down, tuned in to his rapturous moans, and begin the job in earnest.
She was lost in her task, sucking and lapping greedily, when she felt hands part her inner thighs and silky hair brush that softest skin. Oh yes! Jay! He’d been licking her pussy so gorgeously that she’d been close to the edge, and now he meant to take her there. She let him ease his face underneath her—he must be lying on his back, she thought—and resume his fulsome feasting on her innermost pearl in its intricate folds. If she looked down, past the shaft of Patrick’s cock in her mouth, past her breasts swaying along with her bobbing chin, she could make out the crown of Jay’s head, brown hair mussed across his forehead, lodged between her thighs.
Oh God, this is depraved, she thought, closely followed by, Oh, God, this is incredible. She shimmied on Jay’s face, as wildly as she could given his firm grip on her outer thighs, and the way his thumbs pressed into the skin so that her pussy lips couldn’t close against him. She felt every nerve ending rushing, flaring, bursting into flames. She shook her head, bringing Patrick’s cock left and right with her, sucking harder and harder, grabbing his balls and squeezing, until he was pouring into her mouth, yelling and bucking under her. She held his cock in her mouth, even as she swallowed the salty liquid, and concentrated on her own climax, melting on to Jay’s tongue in a swirl of sugary rush before her bones collapsed and she had to release Patrick and flop forward on to his powerful legs.
“First score to me,” crowed Jay, shuffling out from his thigh-clamped prison and sitting up to swig from a glass of water before kissing Elyssa all over her neck.
“To me, you mean,” Elyssa mumbled from her prone position. “I made Patrick come first.”
Patrick chuckled tiredly, ruffling Elyssa’s hair. “You’re getting into the spirit of things now. You’ll be just as fiercely competitive as we are in no time.”
“I always was,” she yawned, rolling over to look him upside-down in the eye. “You just never saw it. You thought girls didn’t have that instinct. Newsflash—we do.”
Jay, slumped on his front diagonally across the bed, raised a shaggy head. “Seriously? You need to be the best just as much as this freak and I do?”
“Every bit as much. God! I can’t believe you never noticed! I was so not going to be outgunned, academically, by either of you. When you both declared you were going to put your names down for Oxford tuition, I decided then and there that I would do the same thing. With a scholarship.”
“You got one, too,” Patrick recalled. “I’d totally forgotten about that! And my nose was so out of joint when you told me.”
“So was mine.” Jay laughed delightedly. “You were so fucking modest about it, too. You wouldn’t even mention it. Just stared at the floor and blushed when old Vickers announced it in the assembly. You dark little mare, you!”