Page 17 of Competitive Nature
Elyssa, delightfully sleepy, yet still more turned on than she had ever been in her life, lifted her bottom and spread her legs, inviting Jay in from behind.
“I can keep this up all day, you know,” said Jay, plunging in to the hilt.
“We get thrown out at eleven,” said Patrick laconically. “It’s early yet, though.”
* * * *
The bizarre duel continued through the morning. Elyssa came nine times in various positions and permutations, once in the hot tub, seven times on the bed, once on the rug. She was licked by two tongues and fingered by four hands. She let each storm her barricades until they fell, and she was too sore to admit any more surging cocks through her gates. The men tried to resist coming too often, for fear of being the first to concede their potency she guessed, but eventually, Elyssa sensed that they knew the match was coming to its conclusion.
It ended with a disputed orgasm—Elyssa came with Jay’s cock inside her from behind, and Patrick’s tongue lapping her clit, his head between her thighs.
“That point is mine,” Patrick insisted. “Everyone knows most female orgasms are clitoral. It’s a medical fact.”
“Most doesn’t equal all,” argued Jay. “Expressed as a syllogism, you will find that your proposition is logically inconsistent.”
“Fuck logically inconsistent! The empirical evidence points towards victory being mine!”
“You have no way of proving it, therefore I take the point. I am the winner.”
“I’m the winner!” argued Patrick.
Elyssa coughed, with one of the last remaining breaths of her body. “Excuse me,” she said weakly. “I’ve had nine orgasms this morning. I think you’ll find that I’m the winner.” She fell asleep, exhausted by the exertion of her assertion.
* * * *
They spent the rest of the week together, an unbreakable triad. Now that they had worked through their competitive urges and emerged on the other side, they were free to simply be, and to enjoy themselves and each other. There were picnics by the lake that ended with naked moonlight swimming, there were tables for three in smart restaurants, grinning at the subversive thrill of taking dinner together en ménage. There were walks along the river, hand in hand in hand, there were trips to the cinema with a different man’s palm on each of Elyssa’s thighs as they sat through the film.
And, every night, in the small holiday cottage Jay was renting rather than staying with his estranged mother, they found themselves in bed together, falling deeper and further into their unusual dynamic, trying different combinations, keeping the fever burning in anticipation of the day when all this would have to end.
“If only it didn’t have to end,” said Elyssa sadly on the morning of their returns to their respective hometowns. She toyed with her cereal, her appetite—so greedy and lusty until now—quite gone.
“Does it have to?” Jay looked over from the coffee percolator, frowning and pushing his glass
es back up his nose. “Didn’t we say…?”
Patrick was in the next room, zipping up backpacks.
“That was before Patrick…” Elyssa dropped her voice. “I thought…I don’t know…we didn’t say anything, but I thought the understanding was that we were having a few days out of reality. This kind of thing isn’t sustainable, is it? Unless you mean we should see each other without letting Patrick in on it?”
She frowned at Jay, making it clear what she thought of such subterfuge.
“That isn’t what Jay means,” said Patrick, appearing in the doorway. “I think he means we should all see each other. Whenever we can. Sometimes in pairs and, when possible, in our threesome. Is that so impossible? Or unthinkable?”
Elyssa shook her head in surprise. “I just…it seems…so greedy! Of me! To take two gorgeous men off the market. I assumed you would want to look for a more exclusive partner.”
“Elyssa!” Jay wagged his finger sternly. “You disappoint me. You made an assumption! About me! I thought you were cleverer than that, Professor.”
“So you…?”
“I’ve not been good at commitment thus far,” he said. “I just don’t think I’m cut out for all the traditional monogamy stuff. I’ve never loved anyone else, and I’m pretty sure I never will. A threesome is fine with me. Believe me. More than fine.”
Elyssa looked over at Patrick, who shrugged.
“I can’t lie,” Patrick said. “I am cut out for the traditional monogamy stuff…at least, I thought I was. But it didn’t work for me last time. She said I chose my career over her—I couldn’t give her enough of myself. With you…if I’m working long hours, you have Jay on hand. I don’t ever have to be not enough for anyone again.”
“Patrick, that’s rather sad!” said Elyssa.
“No, it isn’t! Elyssa!” He came to hold her hands, staring earnestly into her eyes. “You are all I want. I have you. I couldn’t be happier.”