Page 8 of Competitive Nature
He raised his face long enough to croon, “All mine now, Elyssa, all mine for the taking. God, I’ve waited long enough for this.”
“So have I,” she whispered, then he was inside her, his face screwed up and contorted with shocked ecstasy before it dropped back down to take her lips once more.
He felt so much a part of her, moving slowly and precisely within her tight, slippery channel, trying his utmost to keep the pace slow and sensual instead of racing for the finish as the teenage Jay might have done. She knew it must be difficult for him to hold back, and she put her arms around his neck and held him close, wanting his skin to join with hers just as they were joined at their roots. They could be one, a union so perfect that it could never be broken apart. He rocked back and forth in small, exact movements, grinding a little with his pelvis on each thrust, then he released her mouth, stretching his neck back so that the thin silver chain he wore around his neck dangled and brushed Elyssa’s chin with each push farther into her.
“I’ve got you,” he said, almost savagely, seemingly to himself. “I’ve got you now.” He lifted her thighs, giving him a deeper angle of penetration, and she held them up, her feet pedalling the air, eager to feel him all the way to the hilt, to build the pace and the force, wanting to be his and to have him, for always.
“I want to make you come,” he said, starting to pant, the words coming out in stertorous gasps, “harder than anyone has ever made you come before. I am going to do it. I am going to make you scream. I am going to be the best you’ve ever had, the best you’ll ever have. You won’t want anyone else, ever, once I’ve done with you.”
He was moving faster now, faster and faster, and harder, plunging with abandon, and he had the angle, the exquisite friction of cock and G-spot, and Elyssa was too close to her edge to say anything in answer to his words of fierce challenge. Instead, she just let herself fly, let her brain disengage and her body take over until the pressure sent her up in the air, lid blown, sensations bursting out in a fountain, and she was saying his name, over and over, “Jaaaaay, Jaaaaay, Jaaaaay, ohhhhh, Jaaaaaay.”
* * * *
“You said my name,” he said later on in the rowing boat after the champagne picnic had taken the edge off their other appetites. They were drifting under a high afternoon sun, lying down on the blanket together, Jay’s fingers in Elyssa’s mussed hair.
“Yeah. Did I? You said mine, I think.”
“I remember.”
“Do you remember everything you said?”
Jay pushed his shades back over his eyes, his manner a little shifty.
“You wanted to be the best I’ve ever had? The best I’ll ever have?” Elyssa persisted.
“Well, y’know, in the heat of the moment you say things…” Jay laughed, a small embarrassed laugh.
“You’ll never shake off that competitive mania,” predicted Elyssa. “You always have to be the best, don’t you? I probably shouldn’t tell you this…” She sighed.
Jay propped himself up, squinting down at her. “Tell me what?”
“You were,” she admitted. “The best I’ve ever had. Not just because you were, you know, good at it. But because it was you. It was always you I had the huge crush on.”
Jay was silent for a while, looking over to the shore of the lake while the boat drifted.
“So what are you going to do about Patrick?” he asked at length. “Will you still see him tomorrow?”
“Jay, I can’t answer that. I don’t know.”
“I want to be with you. I want this to be the start of something—not just the end of decades of wondering…”
“Okay.” Elyssa kissed him. “So you feel that way, too. I thought you did. I just didn’t want to presume.”
“I don’t live so far from you. We can do the weekend lovers thing…see how it goes…”
Elyssa snuggled into the crook of his arm, feeling as if Christmas had come in the summertime. Jay, her brilliant beloved Jay, talking of commitment. Was it the first time? She suspected it might be.
“Poor Patrick, though,” she murmured.
“He’ll get over it,” said Jay philosophically. “I was kind of hoping we could stay in touch but…if he doesn’t want to…”
“I’m going to meet him tomorrow anyway,” determined Elyssa. “I owe him that much. It won’t be much fun, but I don’t want to break it to him over the phone or by email. I respect him too much for that.” And still love him—even if that’s out of the question now.
Jay put a hand on her hip, his arm resting on her stomach proprietorially. “I’ll come with you if you like.”
“No, there’s no need. I should do this alone. It’ll be fine. It’s not as if he’s my boyfriend or anything.”
So why do I feel as if I’m being unfaithful? She let the thought linger for a moment or two until Jay, his appetites restored by all the strawberries and champagne, kissed and canoodled it out of her head.