Page 50 of Fast and Loose
‘Session?’ said Tom.
‘Yes. As you know, I’m a professional Domme. I work from a hired dungeon space in the city. Why don’t you come and visit me, later on this week, and I’ll show the pair of you around and perhaps offer you…a lesson or two?’
‘A lesson in domination?’ said Tom.
‘Ah, you think you have nothing to learn? I’ve met boys like you. But at least consider it.’
‘No, I don’t think that at all,’ said Tom swiftly. ‘Yes, I’d be very interested in learning from you. I can’t answer for El-Ellie.’
She turned to me. My breath was gathering speed like a racehorse on the final straight. I was going to have to accept, but the idea – and Maria, if I was honest – terrified me.
‘What do you think, darling? I’ll be very gentle with you. You needn’t worry about that.
‘Oh…well…’ I bit my lip and looked at Tom, who was visibly tense. ‘I don’t really know either of you…’
‘But you want to,’ urged Maria. ‘The dungeon is perfectly safe. It’s at a hotel – you sign in at Reception. They’ll raise the alarm if you don’t come out. Fire regulations, you see.’
‘Oh, I didn’t think…’
What didn’t I think? I could feel Tom’s gritted teeth even though my back was turned to him.
‘OK,’ I said, defeated. ‘All right. I’ll come.’
‘Good girl,’ said Tom, and there was sporadic applause from around the table.
‘Ooh,’ said Maria, impressed. ‘You’re rather a natural, Tom. I’m looking forward to putting you through your paces, I must say.’
Joel stood up, tapping his watch.
‘Sorry, guys,’ he said. ‘Got to go and get dinner on for the starving millions. They’ll be home before too long.’
A variety of other excuses were made, until only Maria, Katie, Ryan, Tom and I were left.
‘Here’s my card,’ said Maria majestically, handing us each a classy little rectangle. ‘I’m thinking Tuesday evening is free for me – what about you?’
Tom checked his phone, and I waited for him to say that he didn’t have any plans that night before adding my voice.
‘Excellent,’ she purred. ‘About seven, then? It’s the Valmont – do you know it?’
We both did (and were both surprised to hear that it housed a dungeon, I imagine).
‘I’ll see you there then.’
Katie spoke up from the other side of the table.
‘Ellie, I know we came together, but do you mind if I leave with Ryan? It’s just that we don’t get too many chances to hook up and we both happen to be free right now, so…’
‘Oh, go for it,’ I said distractedly. ‘Happy spankings.’
They laughed, thanked me, said their goodbyes and almost ran out of the skittle alley in their haste to find privacy.
‘It’s like an addiction,’ said Maria, watching them go. ‘Once you taste it, you thirst for it. Can I give either of you a lift home? Nothing stronger than this slimline tonic has touched my lips.’
‘Oh, no, I was going to…’
‘I’m meeting someone,’ said Tom, whose presence of mind seemed to beat mine by some distance. ‘But thanks.’