Page 91 of Fast and Loose
‘Just leaving Maria and Martin to it down there. Not eating her pudding.’
‘Nobody ever gets round to pudding at her parties,’ said Keane with a laugh. He sat down on the crisp white bed and smacked his big hand down on the duvet. ‘Come here. Give us those glasses.’
‘How long have you known her?’ I asked, watching him pour us a glass of champagne each.
‘Maria? Donkey’s years. We’re the same age, though you’d never know it. She looks years younger.’
‘So do you,’ I said, because it was true.
‘Ah, thanks,’ he said. ‘Must be the effect of spanking all those bottoms. Kind of a fountain of youth thing.’
‘Maybe. So…did she get you into it?’
‘This lifestyle? No, not really. We met through mutual friends. She throws the best parties, and I started getting regular invitations. But I don’t go to too many. I keep things low-key, if I can.’
‘Because of your job?’
‘Yes,’ he said, after a sip of bubbles. ‘Because of my job.’
‘So…what do you do? If you don’t mind me asking.’
‘A damn sight too much,’ he growled. ‘For all the thanks I get.’
I waited for him to elaborate. He drained the champagne and poured another glass.
‘Just between you and me, kitten, I’m a big name in local politics. Hoping to get a national platform at the next election.’
‘Oh, a politician,’ I said. ‘I’m not really into politics.’
‘Well, you should be,’ he said. ‘It’s important. But if you stick with me, perhaps you won’t need to care about it. You can leave all that to me.’
‘Is it fun?’ I asked.
‘Fun? I wouldn’t call it that exactly – but I do enjoy it. The cut and thrust.’
‘Are you very powerful?’ I batted my eyelashes.
This was a good tack to take. He didn’t exactly puff out his chest, but his pretend-modest laugh was a good substitute.
‘Er, actually, not wanting to big myself up too much, yes, I am.’
‘Ooh,’ I said, putting a hand on his arm, smoothing down his shirtsleeve. ‘What kind of powers do you have? Superpowers?’
Again, the not-really-modest laugh.
‘Well, I can’t fly. Not yet.’
‘But one day?’ I giggled, wondering how long I’d been harbouring this inner simpering fool.
‘Maybe. But no, seriously, I do have a lot of power in this city. Anyone who wants anything done knows I’m the man to come to. If I say it’s going to happen, it happens.’
‘Well, if the other council members vote for it,’ I demurred.
‘Oh, I’ve got them well in hand. Don’t worry.’
‘You’ve got them in hand? You mean, you dom the city council too?’