Page 61 of Winning Her Heart
I honestly have no idea what to think. It's a great honor to be complimented on your work like that. I've been selected for things like this before, I always accept without hesitation, but today I'm shocked by the opportunity.
I'm speechless for a long time. "Dom? We really need an answer." The director reminds me.
"Um, yes. Sorry," I reply, clearing my throat.
I fidget with some of the papers on my desk for a moment before I finally blurt out, "If it's all right with you, I'd like some time to think about this."
There is silence on the other end of the phone. I've shocked them and myself. "Very well. Just try and get back to us as soon as possible, because we can't afford to waste time on this," the director says finally.
We go over some over business matters for about another half an hour before the call ends.
After I hang up the phone I lean back in my chair and stare at the wall, the silence echoing in my ears. "Why did I tell them that? Why do I need time? This is work, this is my career, what the hell is wrong with me?" I ask, talking aloud to myself.
I frown as I try to figure it out. I have no attachments to this city, so it's weird that I wouldn't want to leave it.
A look of horror crosses my face. No, it can’t be. Am I really considering putting down roots here for the first time in my life? I shake my head in disbelief and throw myself back into my work. I really don't want to think about this right now, but I know it's going to gnaw at me all day.
I know the real reason I don’t want to leave. But it’s crazy. Am I really willing to throw away an opportunity like this? It’s not that I need the money. I could live more than happily for the rest of my life off of what I have in the bank.
And it’s not like I’d really be moving up, either, so much as just moving on…
But do I really want to move on?
Chapter 18 - Juliette
I'm so happy and excited. I'm almost ready. I check the time and realize that Dom will be here any minute. I let out a happy little sigh. I still can't believe he asked me out to dinner.
I really feel like tonight will be different from last time, especially after his apology. I'm wearing my best dress with my hair up. I check my makeup in the mirror, then run around making sure the house is cleaned up, even though I always keep it spotless.
I grab my purse and make sure I have everything I need. I close it and put it on the coffee table. Basically, I’m fidgety and nervous, and I can’t sit still, so I smooth a few wrinkles out of my dress when I hear a knock on the front door. I can't keep the happy smile from my face as I go to open it. I see him standing there, somehow looking even more dashing than I remember. "Hi." I say softly.
"Hi. Ready to go?" He asks in response.
He returns my smile, but it doesn't seem to meet his eyes. "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to come in for a minute?" I ask hopefully.
He hesitates. "I don't think that's such a good idea. I already have reservations for us, we don't want to be late," He replies, sounding a little uncomfortable.
I pretend not to notice, but I can’t help but wonder why he seems so stiff. "Oh, well, I won’t keep us long. It's only for a moment, please?" I ask, opening the door wider for him.
I can still see the hesitation on his face but he nods in agreement and walks inside. I close the door behind him.
Last time we were at his place, I noticed how sleek and modern everything about it was. Smart devices everywhere, and a lot of chrome.
I want him to get a little taste of retro, much like what I’d done before with the records. "A lot of the furniture in here is vintage, also from my grandparents. As you can see I have my own record player and small collection of albums," I explain with a little smile.
I'm pointing out things to him that I'm proud of. He just stands there nervously with his hands in his pockets. It almost seems as if he doesn't want to be here. I'm about to show him something else when he blurts out, "Do you mind if we leave now?"
"Oh. Um, yeah of course!" I answer, thinking we must be running late for our reservations.
Dom’s pretty clearly a punctual guy, so I chalk up his weird mood to that. I grab my purse as he opens the door for me. We walk out together, then I lock up and follow him to his car. I'm so thrilled to be out with him again.