Page 81 of Winning Her Heart
I eased my fingers out of my pussy. The bath water rippled as the afterglow of the orgasm faded. I knew it couldn’t happen, not without a lot of problems, but I just couldn’t get Jayden out of my head.
Chapter Seven - Jayden
I hadn’t been expecting the call. I’d never been in a situation like that before. It could well have been that the usual protocol was to not talk about it and act awkward every time we saw each other. That wasn’t a particularly logical reaction, but seemed characteristic of modern society. I felt no real shame about what happened, and recognized the wardrobe malfunction as an accident. If I had done it on purpose, it would be different.
The thing I felt bad about was embarrassing poor Krystal, which had still happened, whether I intended to or not. It was a great relief to hear that she knew I was just trying to help, though. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have minded much. I was generally of the opinion that nothing I did really mattered in the grand scheme of things. There was something about Krystal that made me care quite a bit, and I didn’t want her to think ill of me, and not just because it would make it harder to get her into bed.
The rest of the day went without a hitch. I finished the rest of the rounds in the vineyard before going over one of the designs Krystal had made. She had moved to a new page in the molskine, drawing out detailed versions of decorations that perfectly fit the new theme. I didn’t know quite what she was going to do for the other costumes, but I could still almost see the scene in my head.
Sexy elves bribing potential buyers with sample glasses of Clavis wine on silver trays, surrounded by the decorations. I wondered if she would be able to make the decorations as well and how much more that was going to cost me. Seeing the quality of her costume work, I knew thirty-five hundred had been a bargain. What we were likely to make in new sales from the tasting and the auction would be more than enough to cover that and the repairs on the truck, which were already underway. Feeling strangely confident, I got online, seeking out candidates for the second delivery truck I was fairly certain we were going to need. Emma had been hinting that she wanted a bit more responsibility and acting as one of our delivery drivers could fit the bill nicely.
“Hard at work or hardly workin’?”
“When has the latter ever been the case?” I asked without looking up from the computer.
“Fair point,” Clarence conceded.
“Was there something you wanted?”
“I thought you might like to go for a walk. It is quitting time, after all.”
“Capital idea.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that ‘quitting time’ for me was whenever I couldn’t stay awake anymore. He would probably just worry that I was doing too much. As much as he liked to goof around, I knew Clarence as well as anyone and could tell he was really a sweetheart under it all. My bulletproof exterior had only come about as a matter of necessity.
The sun was settling in its lovely way, casting gently colored rays over our fields of labor, keeping to the perimeter of the growing ground, we both had the same idea of walking the unplanted land beside and behind it .
“Hey, wait up.”
We both turned to look, like a bit out of a Vaudeville act, to see Emma coming up behind us. She was still in her waitress uniform. I smiled a bit, touched by her dedication. Other than me, she worked the most of the three of us. I put a brotherly arm around her and the three of us continued on our early evening stroll.
“What did you think of Krystal and her idea?” Emma asked, getting into lock-step with my stride.
“She’s cute,” I hedged.
Emma eyes me. “That doesn’t answer my question, but it’s nice to see where your head’s at.”
“Okay, you got me. She’s pretty and smart. I think the costume ball idea is really innovative and will make the brand really stand out in the buyers’ eyes. She was absolutely right about the novelty being a strength. To be honest, I wonder if she’s had some business classes.”
I stopped myself there, not wanting to mention the auction, which I also thought would make us stand out as well as make a lot of money. They might have been twins, but when it came to something like that, they were likely to have equal and opposite reactions. Clarence was liable to get a little too excited, and Emma could get so upset that she would stop talking to me, at least for a while. I didn’t want to do that to them.