Page 88 of Winning Her Heart
Emma was already there when I arrived. Our dear brother was nowhere to be seen, surprising no one. Clarence would likely show up in the nick of time to move the really heavy stuff that Emma couldn’t handle by herself. I would have helped too, of course, but my role was more as supervisor than grunt.
I could almost smell the tension as I walked into the lovely grand hall. Emma moved about like a dynamo, already having hung most of the ceiling and wall decorations, as well as erecting the eight-foot Christmas tree. As I came in, she was at the top of a stepladder crowning the tree with the specially made bronze star.
“Wow,” I said, taken with her princess dress.
“What?” she asked shortly.
“I thought you were going to be an angel.”
“Too revealing, I liked this one,” she said.
“I do too,'' I offered, immediately picking up on the edge in her voice.
Getting down from the ladder, Emma went to a table with flower arrangements, picking up a white basket packed to the top with white orchids. They weren’t easy to find in December, but I wanted everything to be on theme.
“Where do you want these?”
I did the best I could to tell her, but after seeing the arrangements where I’d said they always looked wrong. My thoughts about Krystal were really starting to affect my state of mind and I didn’t feel sure about anything anymore. Kind as she was, even Emma had her limits.
“Quit being so fudgin’ particular!” she snapped, squeaky clean even when flustered.
There was no doubt about it. My sweet baby sister was miffed, but I had no idea why. I would have to step lightly. She was kind and even naive with people she liked but could be a fucking Valkyrie when crossed.
“You’re acting a lot more nervous and uncertain lately. What’s going on bro?”
There really was no reason to lie. She knew me as well as anyone and could always tell.
“I was thinking about Krystal. I can’t seem to be able to get her out of my head,” I confessed.
“You like her,” Emma said, not meaning it as a question.
“Yeah, I do, I’m just not sure - ”
“Get sure. She isn’t one of your usual flings. To each their own, but Krystal isn’t like that. She really likes you, like for a proper relationship. Waking up next to each other in the morning, making breakfast together, cuddling, all that good stuff you’ve been avoiding.”
I was stunned but couldn’t honestly say she was wrong. I had been weighed, I had been measured, and I had been found wanting.
“I love you Jay, but I swear, if you hurt my new friend, I will never speak to you again.”
“You need to stay out of my business,” I snapped, before I could stop myself.
It was cheap, but I was angry. I knew she was right and didn’t blame her at all. Emma was such a good person, far better than I was. I didn’t want to admit it, especially to myself.
I could tell she wanted to say more, but we were interrupted by the sound of the door. Sebastian strolled into the hall like a master of the universe.
“This’ll do,” he said, casting a look around the mostly decorated hall.
“What is he doing here?” Emma asked, true hate burning in her usually gentle blue eyes.
“Awesome,” Sebastian enthused, hopping up onto the stage. “But aren’t we going to need a stage for the auction?”
“What is he talking about?” Emma asked, turning the look on me.
“We were talking about it, and Sebastian and I, and we thought a good finale to the ball would be to have a kind of auction.”
“What kind of auction?” Emma asked, her tone beginning to tremble.
“The kind where bids are made and - ”
“Jayden!” Emma yelled, making me take a step back. It really was amazing how she could tell when I was paltering.
“Women,” I gritted out. “The auction is for women. Kisses, dates, sex, even virginity. It’s up to the individual what they want to do. It is a great way to make money and raise the profile of the winery.”
“Our profiles as what, sex traffickers?” Emma screamed.
“Oh come now, it’s nothing like that. It is all in fun and completely consensual.”
“It’s cute that you believe that,” Emma snarked.
“Listen here, little sister, it really isn’t up to you. This is my show and I like the idea. It could be just the thing we needed to attract buyers.”
“By going from a winery to a flesh-market,” Emma sneered.
“Look, if you don’t like it, you can fucking leave but if you tell Krystal what’s going on I’m going to by royally pissed.”
“What’s she got to do with - oh no.”
I tried to stop her, but Emma was too quick for me, her face twisted with anger. She lifted the hem of her princess dress up over her sneakers as she marched off, looking like she was going off to slay a dragon.