Page 18 of The Beautiful Widow
‘Steel …’ Even in the darkness she sensed his pain.
‘If my mother had phoned me I would have gone and picked them up, she knew that. I’d just bought my first old jalopy.’ He stopped abruptly and she felt rather than saw him take control. When he next spoke his voice was flat, cool. ‘He liked it too much to want to be rid of it, that was the thing. Just like your ex. When the need was there it didn’t matter about anything or anyone. An addiction does that. It’s evil.’
‘I’m so sorry,’ she whispered.
‘It was a long time ago. I’m merely illustrating the truth that you couldn’t have helped Richard unless he was willing.’
It might have been a long time ago but he was still hurting. Toni leant forward but the words she’d been about to say were never voiced. Instead her mother bustled out of the house, her father following with the tray of coffee, and the moment was lost.
It was only ten minutes or so later that her parents said they were going to bed and took their leave of Steel. ‘We find it’s early to bed and early to rise since the twins came,’ Vivienne said with a smile. ‘It’s been a long time since Toni was small and I’d forgotten what energy little children have.’
Steel had stood up to shake their hands. Now he watched them go and resumed his seat as he said, ‘I must let you get to bed too. I’ll finish my coffee and make tracks, OK?’
Toni nodded but made no comment. It hadn’t escaped her notice that for the last ten minutes or so Steel had concentrated on talking to her parents and had barely glanced her way. To all intents and purposes nothing had changed since he’d divulged the facts about his father, but she could sense a definite coolness where there’d been warmth before. It shouldn’t matter but it did. He clearly regretted talking to her. Maybe he thought she would gossip? She wondered how she could reassure him without bringing up a subject he clearly didn’t want to discuss any more.
Looking at her, Steel knew exactly what she was thinking. Her face was very expressive, the exact opposite of most of the cool, elegant, superbly controlled women he liked to date. She was the exact opposite. And therein lay his problem. He had no concerns she would discuss his father with anyone; it was more the fact he had found himself revealing what had happened that had panicked him. He’d never talked about the incident that had shattered his family and left himself and Annie orphans, not even to well-meaning family and friends, and certainly not to the lady from social services who had tried to press him to come to counselling at the time of the accident.
Somewhere in the distance a dog barked, the sound intruding into the sheltered little garden where only the low hum of distant traffic served as a background to the scented night. He drained his coffee cup and stood up, feeling the need to distance himself from her and take stock. For the first time in his life he felt as though his feet were on shifting sand and he didn’t like that; he didn’t like it at all. All the circumstances surrounding her were wrong and he’d known the moment he’d agreed to the mother’s bidding to come into the house he was treading on dangerous ground, so why the hell had he done it? Why had he followed the desire to meet her family, her children, and why had he shamelessly played on the mother’s soft heart to wangle a dinner invitation?
This wasn’t like him. Dammit, he didn’t feel like himself. He was autonomous and independent; he didn’t do happy families in any shape or form. Everything in his life was on his terms and that was the way he liked it. And why the hell was he brooding over this right now anyway?
Toni had risen too, and as he walked round the little table she was saying something or other about how pleased she was she’d been to the site today and what a lot of ideas it had given her, but that was on the perimeter of his mind. He knew exactly what he was going to do. There could be no excuse afterwards about it being an impulse; he was going to kiss her because he wanted to. It was as simple as that. Simple, and hideously complicated.
His gaze fell to her mouth as he took her into his arms before she realised what he was doing. Her lips parted as she tried to speak, and he felt heat like liquid fire racing through his body as he took her mouth. She smelled as sweet as the night and was as warm, her hands resting against his chest as he let the kiss deepen slightly, shamelessly testing the water.
He had told himself that a kiss, a swift goodnight kiss at the end of an evening, could be explained away as s
ocial politeness, but now she was in his arms he knew he’d been fooling himself. He couldn’t draw away. He deepened the kiss still more, his tongue rippling along her teeth until she opened fully for him, and as she kissed him back it sent his senses reeling.
Her hands had risen to his shoulders and now the delectable length of her body was pressed against his. As his fingers tangled in the raw silk of her hair she arched towards him with a little involuntary moan that destroyed the last of his shaky control. She was delicious, intoxicating.
He placed a hand in the small of her back to steady her as he plunged into the undefended territory of her mouth, fuelling and feeding on the fierce rush of sensation the feel and taste of her was producing in every inch of his body.
He wanted her, right now, on the stone slabs under the stars. He wanted to make love to her in this velvet darkness until there was no room in her mind for anyone or anything but him. He wanted to possess her completely, to make her his.
Her tongue had joined in the blistering exploration, stroking the rough inside of his mouth and provoking such heat he felt he was burning up, that only one thing would quench the agony. The kiss was now a kind of consummation in itself and his thighs were hard against hers, his heart pounding like a sledgehammer. He moved, pressing her against the wall of the house, but in the next moment his mobile phone began to ring, shrill and painfully persistent as it destroyed the magic.
He felt her freeze. He was breathing hard as he straightened away from her and he swore softly as his fingers fumbled for the phone, which he turned off without looking at it.
Toni had her hands to her cheeks and when she reached out blindly behind her, searching for the handle of the back door, he made no attempt to stop her as she turned and entered the house.
Steel stood for a moment, running a hand round the back of his neck and wondering what the hell had just happened. He was stunned by the raw desire that had hit him so suddenly and provoked such a powerful chain reaction. What had begun as a goodnight kiss had exploded into something outside his imagination; a seduction of mind, soul and body. But who, he asked himself, had been seducing whom?
And then he shook his head at himself, remembering the look on Toni’s face when she had edged into the house. She had been mortified. Damn it all, how could he have been so stupid? She worked for him, for crying out loud, and he’d just broken every rule in the book.
Did she think he was in the habit of forcing himself upon the women who worked for him? He groaned softly, raking back his hair with a savage hand. Hell, what a mess. How could they work together after this? And she needed the job; there were the debts for a start, and if she was going to make a new life for herself and her girls it was imperative she earnt a good monthly salary. This place was far too small for them all now; as the twins grew it would get worse. Why hadn’t he thought of this before he’d kissed her? She’d made it clear she didn’t want a man around and what had he done? Bulldozed in like some callow youth who kept his brain in his trousers.
OK, OK, calm down. He breathed deeply, summoning the control that had always served him well in the past. When all was said and done he’d done no more than kiss her. It had been stupid and unprofessional but if he made it clear it wouldn’t happen again this whole episode stood the chance of dying a natural death.
He knew what he was dealing with now. For some reason he couldn’t fully trust himself around Toni and so he wouldn’t put himself in such a position again. He’d treat her the same as his other employees and nothing more. From her side she’d been to hell and back the last few years and it was obvious she hadn’t been on good terms with her husband for a long time. Tonight there’d been the moonlight and the wine and the euphoria of knowing she had the chance of getting her life back on some even footing again. He’d caught her at a vulnerable moment and she’d responded without thinking about it. It was just unfortunate that they were clearly sexually well matched.
The cold reasoning and logic were helping. Toni George was just an employee. An employee who was damn good at her job, admittedly, and for that reason he didn’t want to lose her. That being the case, he had to make this all right, take all the blame and reassure her he wouldn’t lay a finger on her in the future.
Could he make that promise, though?
The thought came out of nowhere and caused his mouth to set in a grim line. He’d have to. End of story.
Toni was waiting for him in the kitchen when Steel walked into the house. If she could have sunk through the floor and disappeared she would have done so; she had never felt so ashamed of herself in the whole of her life. He had kissed her—a ‘thank you’ for the meal and the evening—and what had she done? Practically eaten him. She clenched her teeth against the humiliating memory. He had been surprised, she knew he had, in the moment before he’d responded to her blatant invitation. And what man wouldn’t? Lay it on a plate for any red-blooded single man—and some who weren’t single, come to it—and they’d be up for it. It was the way men were made. Sex to them was like eating and drinking and as elemental as breathing, but without the emotional element necessary to most women.