Page 3 of A Diamond at Midnight
She tried to jerk free, but he was too strong. “Let go, damn you!”
“No. You will listen to what I have to say.”
Diamonique knew it was useless. Cain’s stubbornness would continue until she heard him out.
“Fine. Speak.”
Cain couldn’t help himself; he so enjoyed watching Diamond get all riled. She was just so damn delicious when her face heated and her breasts rose and fell in agitation.
“Good girl.” He hoped to piss her off more. He was rewarded when she stiffened her spine and stuck her impertinent nose in the air. Good. He’d take stubborn any day over the cold, empty look he’d seen in her pretty, green eyes moments earlier.
“You stepped over the line when you took Sareena to bed.”
She swiped her tongue over her lips and licked the remaining droplets of his blood into her voracious mouth, causing his body to ache for her touch. “She meant nothing to me. There was never anything more than sex and only that once. Why must you read more into it?”
She smirked at him, which set off his own anger.
“It’s always just sex with you, Cain.”
Cain looked her over with renewed interest. “Who says?”
Chapter Two
“I don’t suppose you’re here to tell me that you’d decided to join dear Sareena in death like a good little boy?”
Laughter rose up at her question. “I think you know me better than that.” He leaned in close and whispered, “I’ve always been a very bad boy. Don’t you remember, love?”
He watched Diamonique subtly move away, as if his voice affected her more than she cared to admit.
“Tell me why you’re here so you can leave me in peace.”
He bobbed his eyebrows mischievously. “I have no desire to leave you alone. I’m here to stay.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, which only emphasized the perfection of her tits, and growled, “You leave or I will. Your choice.”
He stepped forward, watching in heated fascination as she stepped back once more. “Do you really wish me to leave, love?”
He smiled at her quickly uttered word, spoken with just the slightest hint of a quiver. “I think you’re a little liar, Diamond.”
She visibly cringed, then said, “What has Sareena’s death to do with me? Out with it, Cain.”
“In time you will see. Soon, my love.”
Diamonique went instantly rigid. “Don’t call me that. I am no longer your anything.”
He rolled his eyes and ground out, “You are way too sensitive, that was always your problem.”
“You don’t know crap about me, Cain. You were too busy stabbing me in the back to get to know the real me.”
“Don’t, Diamond. It’s in the past,” Cain snarled.
Anyone else would have trembled in fright, but not Diamonique. She had never truly been afraid of him. Perhaps that had been the allure. He didn’t know, and he didn’t have the luxury of time to find out. His enemies were near and soon they would find Diamonique. He couldn’t allow that.
“Why don’t you want to talk about your flaws, Cain? Does it damage your perfect ego?”